How To Use A
Cell Tower Lease Buyout Calculator:
(Step 1: Pick it up, throw away in trash.)

In 2025, A cell tower lease buyout calculator is no substitute for talking to  thousands of cell tower landlords on a daily basis since 2008, and reviewing hundreds of cell tower rental stream purchase offers, cell tower easements and cell site  purchase and sales agreements. Combined with our Partners' 50+ years of cell tower development, real estate site acquisition, cell tower zoning, telecom lease coaching and consulting experience, Tower Genius has industry knowledge and experience that no other telecommunications lease consulting firm brings to the table. We know that many people are searching for an online cell tower lease sales calculator to determine the value of their future cell tower lease rental payments or rooftop DISH Wireless, Verizon Wireless, AT&T or T-Mobile Sprint cell site lease rental stream when evaluating lease buyout offers or considering a sale.  

Anyone who claims they have a cell tower lease buyout calculator is an amateur.  Every lease buyout valuation needs to be determined individually on a site by site business.

You don't need a buyout calculator.

You need a cell tower lease buyout expert.

Here's why:

  • Can a cell tower lease buyout calculator tell you if the "lease consultant" has any conflicts of interest?
  • Can a cell site lease buyout calculator tell you if the "lease expert" is also getting paid a commission by the company that is purchasing your lease?
  • Can a cell tower sales calculator evaluate the Pros and Cons of selling a perpetual easement on the rooftop of your building or land?
  • Can a cell tower buyout calculator advise your attorney about the small print telecom language and essential terms you need to have in your perpetual easement documents and tower sales contracts?

 - One of the most serious issues that most cell tower landlords are unaware of is that they have no idea that when they are pricing cell tower lease sales offers with various "lease  buyout companies", they think they have a handful of firms competing for the same cell tower lease buyout, but actually you may be bidding it out to only one or two firms.

 - Many of the players in the cell tower buyout industry receive their funding from the same hedge funds so there really isn't any true competition when selling your rental stream.

 - Many of the cell tower buyout "consultants" are double-dipping, getting paid by you and getting something on the back end from the buyout after the transaction is completed.

 - And how would you know of this if you are not a cell tower buyout industry insider and you don't know who the players are?


How to correctly use a
Cell Tower Lease Buyout Calculator?

(Step 2: Call Tower Genius at 888-313-9750)

Don't leave it to chance when you are selling the future rental payment rights to your cell tower or cell site lease agreement.

Because of the conflicts of interest that are present in the tower buyout industry, when you hire Tower Genius LLC as your buyout consultants, we put in all of our contracts that we have no conflicts of interest. We only get paid by you because we only work for you and we are not secretly working both sides of the buyout. It is sad that we need to write about this, but it is true nonetheless.  

And don't look to your local attorney for answers about the value of the cell tower buyout. Your attorney while likely is very knowledgeable about other matters, they won't be able to tell you what the value of selling your rooftop Verizon Wireless, DISH Wireless, T-Mobile Sprint or AT&T cell site lease rent payments is worth, nor will they know about cell tower buyout valuations of Crown Castle, Vertical Bridge, American Tower, or SBA Communications sites. You don't need a cell tower lease buyout calculator, you need a cell site buyout expert.

We are the only cell tower experts who wear capes.
Selling a rooftop cell site lease? Not talking to Tower Genius can cost you a fortune.
Contact Tower Genius

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


  • Cell tower lease agreements
  • Selling Cell Tower Lease
  • Tower lease extensions
  • Cell site upgrades
  • Small cell proposals
  • Lease amendments
  • Tower lease buyout offers
  • Rooftop lease buyout offers
  • Rooftop cell site audits
  • Lease Agreement defaults
  • Cell tower valuations
  • Rent reduction solicitations
  • Lease Optimization Help
  • Lease Revenue Purchase
  • Transactional Coaching
  • Verizon Wireless 
  • AT&T
  • T-Mobile
  • DISH Wireless
  • US Cellular
  • SiriusXM
  • Crown Castle
  • American Tower
  • Atlas Tower
  • Phoenix Tower PTI
  • Vertical Bridge
  • SBA Communications
  • Tillman Infrastructure
  • Lyle Company, Black Dot, Md7
  • Everest Infrastructure

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