Sprint Lease Experts


Ask us a question about your Sprint lease.

By Steve Kazella

Before we start talking about your Sprint Lease, we would like to take a minute to congratulate  PAUL,  of ex-Verizon Wireless "Can you hear me now" fame, for jumping ship from Verizon back to Sprint. We wish him well and hope that none of his royalty checks bounce. Now that Sprint has become a part of T-Mobile we think he may be talking to AT&T about a side gig...

Why should Sprint cell tower landlords care about this kind of nonsense? Well, it's no secret that since the horrible Nextel merger from the good old push-to talk days, Sprint has really been struggling financially. Let's not even bring up Clearwire. Now Sprint is a part of T-Mobile and many Sprint cell tower landlords will be caught holding the bag. 

Landlords and property owners who have questions and require Sprint Lease assistance should consider talking to Tower Genius about having their Sprint cell tower leases reviewed and our firm. Our two Partners, Kevin Donohue and Steve Kazella formerly leased and built towers for Sprint earlier in their carriers.  

Sprint Lease Outlook for 2021?

Since merging T-Mobile in mid-2020, Sprint and T-Mobile have been working out their internal staffing, consolidating teams and trying to figure out which cell sites will stay and which sites will be decommissioned. This will take time. Expect to start seeing some movement in 2021, however it is possible that even if your cell site will be decommissioned it may not happen right away, it could take a few years as this is s huge undertaking. 

Is Sprint one of the tenants or subtenants on your Crown Castle, American  Tower, or SBA Communications cell tower? If you have questions about the future viability of your lease give Tower Genius a call at 1-888-313-9750. 

We anticipate Sprint landlords will be contacted nationwide by Sprint or third party representative in 2021 offering landlords with Sprint rooftop cell sites payment bonuses to terminate their leases early and allow them to leave their equipment on your property. Neither is a good idea.

We are extremely familiar with Sprint's lease agreements. Please talk to us today if you have any questions about your cell site and their proposal, call us anytime at 1-888-313-9750 or send us a Sprint Lease Contact Form.

Visit Sprint.com .

Tower Genius is and independent and carrier neutral cellular lease consulting and transactional coaching firm based in Florida and is not affiliated with Sprint and is not a subcontractor or consultant for Sprint.  If you need to contact the carrier directly, you can do so simply by visiting their website, Sprint.com.

Do You Have Questions About a Sprint Lease Agreement? Ask it here.

Are you a landlord with a question about your Sprint cell site lease, lease buyout offer, lease negotiation, lease rate or other Sprint related subject ? Please post your question here on our Sprint Nextel Q&A Blog.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Is the cell tower connected to our PGE account? 
Is it common for Sprint to connect to landlord electricity meter?

When is it a good idea to accept a bonus payment to leave cell tower equipment on roof.  
Received letter that Sprint/T-Mobile will cancel their lease April 18. This was a 25 + 1 year lease. New lease from last year states that they have to …

What is the phone number to reach sprint about re-negotiating our lease with them. I am the tower owner.  
What is the phone number to the department that re-negotiates tower leases? Can't seem to find any number to call..

Sprint T-mobile renew lease? 
We have leased to Sprint since 1997. Their lease expires in January 2022. Spent gives us no indication whether they will renew or not. It would be …

Sold Building that tower is on 
How do we re assign the payments to the new owner of the building?

Cell tower lease at North Troy, Vermont on 285 acres just south of Jay Peak, VT 
My family has Sprint and it doesn't work when I go to my land.in Vermont I am willing to discuss a tower on my land. There are no dwellings on the property. …

Cell tower lease payments made to whom???? 
Dear Genius, I am the new owner of the property at 303 E. 14th Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99202.. I have a lovely cell tower on the roof of my building. …

Sprint antenna to come off tower? 
Lately I was told by SBA that Sprint announced they are taking their antennas off celltowers. I lease to SBA and have only a Sprint antenna on my celltower …

Door code??? 
Nextel donated the equipment shelter to the Village when their Lease expired. Is there any way to acquire the door lock code for this shelter?

who is getting my checks for tower 
Sold tower payment for 15 years. 15 years is up and not getting my checks. Who is sprint sending the checks to?

Nextel stopped paying  
Crown Castle stopped paying Us Nextel ground lease and telling us we owed overpayments to us of $8000., as Nextel had quit paying them but they continued …

Lease administration contact information 
i need to get a hold of a Lease administration please i have a lease for antenna in Glendale California can you provide the information?

Month to month to turn into lease 
We are in contract to purchase a property in Manhattan. It has a Sprint Tower that they pay 3k monthly. It is month to month & we are wondering if we can …

Maintenace of Site 
We currently have a sprint installation on the roof of our building. The latest update of equipment called for the removal of the old. This was not …

Copy of lease 
I'm in the process of buying a property that has a site on the rooftop in Puerto Rico. I need to speak with someone in the lease department since the lease …

Sprint 2.5 upgrade 
Sprint just finished their Network Vision upgrade on my rooftop last year, I think it is their upgrade to their 4G long term evolution platform. I have …

Lease Rates Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 
I have a cell tower, which currently has leases in place with AT&T and Sprint - I was wondering if you could provide any comparable data, which would suggest …

Termination of Sprint/Nextel site lease 
We have a cell site located on top of our building with sprint/nextel and have been contacted by them. They wish to give 30 days notice and cancel the …

Sprint wants to upgrade a site on my roof 
I have a building in Queens, NY where Sprint has a cell site. They sent me a letter asking me to approve a drawing and to sign some fire department forms. …

Sprint Network Vision MMBTS 
What is Sprint's network vision MMBTS launch program all about? Is this part of their decommissioning of iDEN cell sites?

Lease from Global Signal, now Crown Castle 
I have 3 carriers on this tower, sprint, verizion and t mobile. Verizion has updated to frontier telephone fiber optic. Now Sprint is in the process of …

Rent Payment 
I have no contact information for Sprint so that I can get the rent amount straight for the Landlord.

Renegotiating Current Lease 
We leaseded our site back in 1999. Currently recieving 988.57/month. Never got any extra rent from the 3-4 additional venders they put on the tower. They …

Sprint Tower at 5425 Santa Monica, Los Angeles, CA 
We have an existing Sprint/Nextel tower that was erected in 2002 with Nextel. I hear that unless the tower that Nextel erected does not get updated …

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Sprint tower lease questions about selling 
I have a Sprint cell tower that is in the 17th year. I still have 8 years left on the lease agreement but when we did originally sign the contract we did …

Sprint cell tower antenna lease rate in Wake County, NC? 
I own a commercial property outside of Raleigh NC that I was approached about by Sprint a few years ago but they never built a cell tower on. It also seems …

Sprint paying $800 per mo. for stealth pole (repeater site) 
We have a stealth tower and receiving $800+ per mo. from Sprint with a 3% increase per year. It's 52 ft. high. It's a repeater site right now but it …

Site Management 
Does anyone have a phone number for a Sprint Nextel site manager in the Lynchburg VA area? Editor's Note: try this... LANDLORDSOLUTIONS@SPRINT.COM …

access easement 
How do I contact Nextel West Corp. to talk about the terms of our easement?

Sprint wants to assign to clearwire 
Sprint has informed us that it is closing various cell sites in NYC. Sprint has notified us of its intention to assign our lease to Clearwire. Sprint is …

I sold my land but maintained easement rights and rents from sprint tower Not rated yet
SBA has contacted me to buy my rights to the tower. The sale of my land was in 2004 and I have signed past renewals with Tower Co in 2004, 2010 and 2012 …

old cell tower site Not rated yet
We have a LG&E electrical tower on our church property. About 10 years ago Sprint asked permission to travel across our property and install cell phone …

Sprint in violation of lease agreement Not rated yet
Hello, and thank you for trying to answer my question. We are currently 2 1/2 years into a 5 year lease agreement with Sprint for a cell tower on our …

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  • American Tower
  • Atlas Tower
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  • SBA Communications
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