Determining Cell Tower Lease Rates:
Industry Secrets EXPOSED!
(Forget "comps", CELL TOWER rent values are site specific.)

cell tower lease rates 2024Get Cell Tower Lease Rates
Talk To Tower Genius.

How are Cell Tower Lease Rates determined in 2025?

By Steve Kazella, Tower Genius LLC.

How do you calculate the correct cell tower rental price for a rooftop cell site or cell tower land lease? Determining the rent value of a cell tower at your specific location can be very frustrating especially with all the (dis)information wireless carriers and cell tower companies provide to property owners. You probably want to know, what is the going rate of a cell tower lease on MY property? What should the rental rate of the existing single-carrier or two-carrier cell tower be which is expiring in a few years at MY specific location? What does 2024 and beyond look like for cell tower rental values with networks converting to 5G from 4G? That depends on many factors, but the dirty little secret in the cell tower leasing industry is not the amount of rent that you are receiving on a monthly basis. Then what is it?


Cell tower lease rates in 2025, and what's the industry's dirty secret about cell site rent values? 

What's The Price Range?

What's The Square Foot Price?

What Should You Charge Per Antenna?

cell tower lease rent ratesWhat are cell sites renting for in 2025?

Throw away your cell tower lease rate calculator.  This is how Cell Tower Lease Rates Are Determined in 2025.

We were hired to provide cell tower lease rates expert witness testimony recently for a cell site landlord client, up against a multi billion dollar cell tower operator who hired their own "expert" who was trying to convince the judge  (unsuccessfully) that cell tower lease rates are based on a certain price per square foot, by the number of antennas that a carrier utilized and that there was a standard rental price range in the state where the tower was located. We were impressed with how he was able to keep a straight face for such a long time.  

The industry secret about how cell tower lease rates are really determined, is that nobody working for the wireless carriers or cell tower companies is going to tell you the TRUTH about what your cell tower lease is actually worth. The carriers won't tell you, and the cell tower companies won't tell you. And don't expect your attorney to know either.

There are a plethora of factors that come into play when determining the value and lease rate of a cell tower. None of them involve a calculator. When looking at cell tower land leases and cell site rooftop leases it's not always going to be an apples to apples comparison. And just because somebody that you know or the guy a mile down the road is getting $30,000 or $45,000 annually from DISH Network, Verizon, U.S. Cellular, AT&T or T-Mobile, that doesn't mean that Vertical Bridge, American Tower, Crown Castle or SBA Communications will pay you $30,000. The cell tower lease experts at Tower Genius have seen it all and can answer all of your questions.

Tower Genius Cell Tower Lease Rates ExpertsThe partners of Tower Genius, Kevin Donohue and Steve Kazella have appeared in major print media for decades discussing cell tower lease rates and other matters pertaining to wireless leasing and infrastructure.
Tower Genius cell tower lease rates 2025 infographicWhen it comes to creating fancy infographics about cell tower lease rates, we are still trying to figure out how to make them look sharp and impressive. If you need a cell tower lease consultant that you can trust, please give us a call at 1-888-313-9750.

This is the 2025 cell tower lease rates formula we use to determine cell tower rent values:

High Coverage Demand +  

Low Supply of Available Sites

= Higher Rent For You

1. Demand. What is the demand for wireless coverage? Is it high or is it low? Are a lot of people in your neighborhood complaining to Verizon, T-Mobile, U.S.Cellular, AT&T and DISH about dropping cellphone calls, or do you have average or poor coverage? If you answered "YES" you are probably in a high demand area.

2. Supply. What is the supply of existing cell sites and what are the limiting factors? Is it a residential area and you have the only tall structure like an office building or church steeple? Or is you property one of a dozen commercial or industrial parcels of similar size and characteristics that they could pick from to build a cell tower? Is yours the only 5-story apartment building or are there 4 others on the block or across the street that work just as well?

3. Topography. What's the topography like? What's the difficulty factor involved in providing coverage to the area? Do you own the top of the mountain with a logging road already established, or is your property at the bottom of a hillside bordering wetlands that is going to require a lot of construction?

4. Zoning. What does the zoning code say in their wireless ordinance about the specific property that you own? Do you meet the setbacks and other requirements?

5. Competing Sites. What about competing existing structures? Would the building owner across the street lease to a carrier for less than you are asking, and do they have a better line of site from their rooftop?

6. Other Factors. Is it a new tower being proposed or an existing cell tower lease being extended where you can jack up the rent a bit? Is the tower a single tenant site or multi carrier cell tower? Is it a direct carrier lease or is a developer the Lessee in the agreement? 

7. Additional Equipment, Upgrades and Expansion. If you own the steel, as a tower owner or as a building rooftop owner, if the carriers are adding equipment to your cell tower such as RRH's or RRU's (Remote Radio Heads / Remote Radio Units) these are not antennas, they are base station equipment that boosts signal coverage and capacity. They weigh 40 to 60 pounds each. They add a lot of weight to your towers or parapets. Additional antennas, especially if they are not like-kind can be heavier and larger and add wind load to your tower.

What About Square Foot Price? Price per square foot is NOT a determining factor in determining cell tower lease values. This is not traditional commercial real estate, even if the cell tower carriers or tower companies want you to believe lease rates are based on price per square foot, they are telling you false information. Price per square foot is not used to determine cell tower lease rates. 

There are so many factors to consider. This is why you need to talk to us here at Tower Genius in our humble opinion. 


Just yesterday, I spoke to two building owners. One had a mature rooftop cell site with an AT&T lease paying over $3,000 per month.  The carrier, through a third party was threatening exercise their termination rights on the site if the landlord didn't give them a $700 rent reduction, claiming the average AT&T cell tower lease rate in the area was $1,440 per month. The cell site is located is a suburb of a midwestern city with a metropolitan area of over 1 million people. They have a strongly written tower ordinance in town that would make moving the cell site difficult, but not entirely impossible. However, building a new cell tower to replace this tower along with decommissioning expenses would cost approximately $300K, making moving the cell site highly unlikely.  The rooftop is the tallest structure for a half mile, and is surrounded by residential single family homes. The landlord is afraid they will lose the cell tower lease revenue if they don't agree to the lowering of the rent. The AT&T subcontractor has been "crying poverty" that the cell site lease is too expensive and that if they don't lower the rent, they risk losing the site, and rent. Despite my best efforts, I think the carrier did a fantastic job in scaring the bejeezus out of the landlord, a church, and they will provably get their rent reduction.


The second building owner that I spoke to yesterday is also located in a suburb of a metropolitan area with a population of over 1 million people. Their building is the tallest structure in a half mile and is surrounded by residential homes. The cell tower ordinance and zoning requirements will make it nearly impossible for the AT&T to be located anywhere else. The building owner understands the factors that determine the fair market value of their location, and they are confident that the carrier will not find a better location that meets zoning requirements. The rent of this new cell site significantly exceeds what the first landlord is getting and we know that AT&T will pay it with a smile, even though they offered less than half of what the final cell tower rental price ended up being. They understand that they can't pull the wool of the second landlord's eyes. But like mold and mildew, we are confident that they will be back in 2 or 3 years and try to lower the rent.  It's just what they do, and it is why landlords should talk to Tower Genius when they have questions about cell tower lease rates they need answered.

How do these guys know so much about cell tower lease rates? The cell tower lease experts at Tower Genius LLC have reviewed tens of thousands of cell tower leases over several decades. Here's another dirty secret you may want to know, but the cell tower carriers and cell tower companies would rather not want you reading about... 

Publishing a cell tower rental lease rate map or list of locations and rental rates is deceptive and meaningless since each telecom site's lease value is determined on a site by site basis, and a map means absolutely nothing. Giving a pricing matrix for a city or county and telling property owners, "this is the range" or "this is what Verizon Wireless or AT&T charges in Houston County" is also only half true. While telecommunication carriers may want to put landlords in a cell tower lease rate "box", each site is unique and the value is determined on an individual site by site basis. 

Cell tower lease rates in 2025. So far in 2025, we've seen cell sites paying between $100 per year (that's right, $8.33 per month, to over $156,000 yearly with Top Tier cellular carriers, Verizon Wireless, DISH Network, AT&T, T-Mobile and U.S. Cellular. Monthly rental rates for the "Big 4" tower management companies, American Tower, Crown Castle International, Vertical Bridge and SBA Communications can range from $3,600 per year to well over $70,000 per year. All lease rates regardless of carrier or cell tower developer are site specific and vary from location to location and are based on the demand for coverage and the availability of potential locations to lease ground space, tower space or rooftop space.

This is a question that we have been asked hundreds of time, how do you know what the cell tower lease is worth? What determines a cell tower's rent value? Do you have cell tower leasing rate comps? How do you determine what the cell tower lease rates are for my location? How do you know what to ask for? Carriers and Tower Companies will often tell you that cell tower rents are based on a square foot price. It is true, that many cell tower landlords have been bamboozled into accepting this sort of pricing. We simply reject that, since wireless telecom leasing is not like traditional commercial real estate, and is not determined by a price per square foot. We have written on our cell tower blogs extensively about this, but it comes down to basic cell tower laws of supply and demand regardless of what the carriers tell you.

The cellular carriers aren't going to explain to you how to maximize the value of your cell tower lease rates. Can you afford to negotiate a cell tower lease without professional guidance? Call Tower Genius Today! You will always speak to one of the owners, to either Kevin Donohue or Steve Kazella, the USA's #1 cell tower lease consultants and transactional coaches.


Cell Tower Lease Rates Myth... Busted.

Cell tower lease rates debunked... Here is some genuine honest to goodness "fake news" surrounding cell tower rent values being promoted by other cell tower lease experts and lease advisors. They way to "show you cell tower rates near you". We are calling this out as Bravo Sierra.

average cell tower lease ratesWhat are average cell tower lease rates? We suppose you could do the basic math here and completely wind up with the wrong cell site rent. Cell site lease rates are determined individually on a site by site basis.

Cell Tower Lease Rates Myth: There is a magic cell tower database with lease rate comps for determining the value of your cell tower rent. While many experts may want to tell you a range, or show you cell tower rental prices near you, that means absolutely nothing. Just because your neighbor's cousin is getting $1,600 hundred per month from Verizon Wireless, the does not mean that SBA Towers, Vertical Bridge, Crown Castle or American Tower will pay you $1,600 in the same town, same county or same state. 

What are the top 8 questions people have asked us on our cell tower lease rate blog?

  1. What is the average Verizon wireless cell tower lease rate in 2025?
  2. What is the average T-Mobile cell tower lease rate?
  3. What is the average AT&T cell tower lease rate?
  4. What's the average U.S.Cellular cell tower lease rent?
  5. What is the average DISH Wireless cell site lease rate in 2025?
  6. What is the average American Tower cell tower lease rate?
  7. What is the average Crown Castle cell tower lease rate?
  8. What is the average SBA cell tower lease rate?
  9. What is the average Vertical Bridge cell tower lease rate?

Sure, in theory there is an "average rate". And that average lease rate has nothing in common with your location. In fact the majority of property owners will get low-balled and some of them agree to very low offers. Others start out with a fair rental price but are convinced by the same carriers to lower their rents years later out of fear of lease termination and tower removal. If you can take away anything from this page, it is that each cell tower lease rental price is different. There is no "average price" or range when it comes to YOUR LOCATION. Every cell site rental rate needs to be determined on a site by site basis. 

While recently successfully defending a lawsuit as expert witnesses for a cell tower landlord who was being treated unfairly by their tenant and tower owner, the judge asked us to explain a tower lease rate chart provided by one of our competitors who listed a "range" and average cell tower lease rental prices on their website. The chart was used by the cell tower lease "subject matter expert" working for the opposing side (a big multi billion dollar cell tower management company). As it turned out, the expert using the chart had never seen a cell tower lease rental increased to the valuation that we gave. We told the judge, the chart is garbage, we don't know why anyone would rely on it, and we cannot help it if the defendant tower company's "cell tower expert" lacks industry knowledge. They need to find better experts that have better charts. :-) 

Forget About Cell Tower "Comps" In Your Area.  All Cell Tower Lease Rates Are Determined Individually, On A Site By Site Basis.

  • Sprint leased commercial rooftop in 2000 @ 10% rent escalations per term
  • Verizon Wireless leased co-op rooftop in 2014 @ 3% annual rent escalations
  • T-Mobile leased apartment rooftop 2010 @ 2% rent escalations annually
  • AT&T leased apartment rooftop in 1999 @ 20% escalations per term
  • Verizon Wireless leased condominium rooftop in 1999 @ 4% annual rental escalations

Call Tower Genius, The Cell Tower Lease Experts.


Above is an example of rooftop cell tower lease rates along an extremely high traffic interstate corridor in a densely populated urban area. There are multiple rooftop cell sites in the area with all major wireless carriers represented. As you can see, there is a wide range of cell tower rent rates on this map with monthly rents ranging from $1,900 per month all the up to $5,600 per month. Actually, one of these locations is a Tower Genius negotiated rooftop cell site. But why the wide range of rents? 

Myth Busted. And here's why. All of these rooftop cell sites were leased at different times and they all had different starting base rents and rental escalations. Just because a cell site landlord may be receiving $6,000 or even $7,000 monthly on a rooftop cell site lease with Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile or Sprint, that doesn't not mean it's what they received from day one. It may be a very mature cell site at a premium location that has been on-air for 15 or 20 years and has escalated at 3% or 4% annually. There is a potential difference is rental values on direct carrier leases of urban rooftop cell sites, but those values will potentially be impacted as more small cells are deployed at the street level on lamp posts and telephone poles.

There is a difference between Verizon Wireless and AT&T cell tower lease rates where Verizon and AT&T are paying a factory smokestack owner directly, and a Verizon or AT&T cell tower rental being paid to the same factory owner where a free standing cell tower is owned or managed by American Tower Corporation, Crown Castle or SBA Communications. They are not apples to apples comparisons.

Cell Tower Lease Rates Are Only As Good
As The Terms You Negotiated.

Here are some of the dirty little secrets about cell tower lease rates that carriers don't want property owners to know about:

  • Wireless carriers and cell tower companies pay many of their leasing agents (site acquisition consultants) performance bonuses for bringing in leases at lower rates and with favorable terms that favor the carriers and tower companies - not you. They will swear to you up and down they don't have "bonuses" built in. Come on, who are they kidding? It's a sales organization and this is America. Of course they are incentivized to get you a less than favorable deal.
  • Cell tower land lease rates are not based on a price per square foot. Now it's true that many property owners have agreed to lease rates or collocation pricing based on a square foot price, but that's now how rents are valued.
  • Just a 1% difference in yearly rental increases can easily equal a difference of a whopping $170,000 over the 25-year lifetime of the typical cell tower lease. Likewise a reduction in your rent can also take the same amount of future cell tower rent out of your pocket.
  • On a three carrier cell tower, that's over a half million dollars of lost revenue over 30 years if you or your attorney don't know what to demand during the cell tower lease negotiation.
  • A wireless carrier may pay their leasing agents a few hundred extra dollars to get you to agree to this type of rate, and they have many other price points for which they pay out performance bonuses – ALL of which come directly out of your pocket in the long run.

What's The Bottom Line
For Cell Tower Lease Rates in 2025?

What are cell tower lease rates in 2025?Do you have questions about cell tower lease rates and what your cell site is really worth in 2025? Give Tower Genius a call at 1-888-313-9750.

The lowdown on cell tower lease rates is that the average cell tower rent in 2025 is going to vary from location to location, county to county and state to state -- and they also differ depending on which carrier you are dealing with, they amount of pain they have (bad coverage and tough zoning laws), and their budgets.

For example, last year in 2024 we saw deals with various carriers in different counties between $19,000 per year ($1,583/month) and $39,900 per year ($3,325/month), so it really comes down to supply and demand of properties, where a carrier can locate its base station equipment, tower and antennas. We saw several mature multi-carrier towers paying landlords over $120,000 annually, and also saw multiple established rooftop cell sites paying over $6,000 monthly. Leases rental payment compounding annually are a beautiful thing!

How can you truly know if you are maximizing your location's profitability?

Talk To A Cell Tower Leasing Expert.

What is my cell tower lease rent rate?We can help you determine the value of your cell site lease.

The cell tower lease rates experts and Tower Genius help land owners and building owners maximize the rental rates that they receive on their cell tower ground leases and rooftop cellular site leases with all major wireless carriers including Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, DISH Wireless, AT&T and US Cellular. If you have a cell tower owned or managed by American Tower, Crown Castle, Tillman Infrastructure, Vertical Bridge, SBA Communications or other tower companies, we can provide the kind of professional industry guidance, cell tower lease transactional coaching and consulting expertise that you need to determine the fair market value of your cell tower or cell site and help you to get a great deal on your new cell tower lease agreement, cell tower lease amendment, or cell tower lease buyout transaction in 2025. 

But even more important than the cell tower rental rates -- we pay extremely close attention to the LEASE TERMS. Yes, we've just about seen it all and can tell you without a doubt that ALL cellular site leases are heavily slanted in favor of the wireless carriers. We level the playing field. We know where there is wiggle room to negotiate, and where their isn't, where we can push the carriers to accept terms, and where we can't, and where we can squeeze them for better rates.

And no, we are not attorneys. Most lawyers know very little about cell tower lease rates and values. That's why attorneys frequently hire Tower Genius as advisors to assist their own clients. The Managing Partners of our firm Tower Genius LLC, Kevin Donohue  and Steve Kazella have have over fifty years of combined industry experience and have literally reviewed and negotiated thousands of cell tower leases over the courses of their combined careers, and can quickly and efficiently review your contract and provide the help you need to obtain a great deal.

Cell Tower Companies like Vertical Bridge, Crown Castle International, SBA Communications and American Tower Corporation like to cry poverty and usually don't want to pay a rent increase in addition to revenue sharing. When you push them a little too hard, they sometimes threaten to move the tower or send it out for an "ASR" Alternative Site Review or "Strategic Relocation". These are usually idle threats, but that's why landlords should have their cell sites analyzed to make sure there aren't other factors such as a nearby competing tower that they can use as leverage against you in a cell tower lease negotiation.

Looking into the future of cell tower lease rates, Tower Genius believes rental prices should remain fairly stable for 2025. Beyond that, we are forecasting a higher potential for reduced cell tower rents for landlords if certain disruptive technologies such as 5G and advances in wireless telephony, namely hundreds of thousands of small cells, are integrated into the carrier networks on a mass scale that meet coverage and namely capacity needs. In layman's terms, if they can significantly improve coverage with other technologies that work in conjunction with your cell tower, and they can possibly eventually replace your cell tower with that newer technology, eventually the carriers can get enough muscle to get you to accept a rent reduction or take down your cell site or tower. If you have specific questions about what you can do about this as a landlord, you need to speak with us.

If you need coaching or consulting assistance in reviewing or negotiating your lease or for questions regarding CELL TOWER LEASE RATES - CONTACT US TODAY.

Speak with a cellular site leasing expert, call us during regular business hours from anywhere inside the United States, Monday - Friday during normal business hours. We can answer your questions about cell tower lease rates or any other carrier lease related questions you have. And if we can't answer your question, chances are nobody can. Call the top industry experts in the USA, ask for Steve Kazella or Kevin Donohue today: 1-888-313-9750.

Check Out Our Cell Tower Lease Rates Blog.

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What do you charge? What is your success rate? What do you provide?

Confirming number of tenants 
We have a ground lease with American Tower and had 2 tenants for several years. Two years ago it dropped to only one. We have reason to believe ther are …

water towers as antenna platforms. 
What are companies paying to rent water tower space for antenna placement?

Tower Sharing Average Pricing! 
Hello Gentlemen, It is possible to have a monthly average rental price for towers for mobile operator in Africa. Cheers, Marcos Chaves

comparable rates in coral gables florida 
I wanted to see what other properties in coral gables are paid for roof top equipment not sure if there is a data base somewhere............

Extension of lease 
Hello, I have a cell phone tower in Miami,FL. American Tower Partners built and manages the tower site. Tower was built 4 years ago and the lease has …

Lease rate in Hollywood, FL 
Hi- considering leasing my rooftop located in hollywood, FL right off the I-95. What can I expect the lease rate to be? Thanks!

Wireless Carrier on our Water Tower 
We have a local wireless (and burgeoning fiber) carrier that gives us free "Hi-speed Internet" at our City Garage, Town Hall/Fire Hall, and Police Station. …

roof top cell towers 
Building Mix use development in newton mass. looking to include the usage of cell locations within the development. Step1? thanks Stephen

Getting a tower 
We live in a rural, mountainous area of western North Carolina and nobody has cell service where we are unless they have WiFi, and then you're limited …

AT&T cell tower land RENTAL in Midnight MS 
What is the going price per month on land RENTAL in my area here in Midnight MS?

Lease terms 
How do I know if what I’m being offered is fair?

Inactive tower with land purchase 
Purchased a piece a land with an inactive 200' tower in Spofford, Tx in the county of kinney. long/lat cord = 29.173988, -100.407582 - Huge co. is buying …

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How are lease rates affected by site services? 
What sort of services for a cell site can give the best return? I.e. on-site back up generators, towers, climate controls, rack space, conduits to road …

Purchase of a property with cell towers already on it 
A property I am looking at for a residence has two towers on it with easement rights. The property taxes are a little lower than normal but no other mention …

At&t wants to renegotiate contract after 2 years from initial start 
We are a small church in Tri-Cities, WA, population about 250,000. AT&T approached us about installing a cell tower on top of our building. After what …

square footage rate 
If your carrier has to build their shelter for genrators, etc. on your space, what's a fair square footage rate. The original lease was $3.67/sf but they …

Verizon tower 
I live in Anadarko Oklahoma. Caddo county. Verizon wants to put a tower on my place and said they would pay out $5000 a year. I just don't know anything …

general liability and propety damage insurance 
Who, lessor or lessee, typically provides the insurance for a cell tower lease contract and what is the typical cost?

Cell tower lease rates 
A company wants to lease space for a cell tower. I need to determine the value of my site.

current rates in 76065 
Cell tower company approached us about placing a 200 ft tower on our property for a maximum of 1500. per month. Is that a fair deal? what else can we …

Revenue sharing options with sublease tenants 
I have someone from Everest IP calling to say that she can negotiate a 25% revenue share the cell phone companies are paying ATC. I get the sense that …

rental rates and term length 
I own a building in Inglewood Ca and have been contacted by a cell site "locator". 1.How much per month should I expect to get for a rooftop location …

Right of First Refusal  
What is a Right of First refusal? It was intentionally omitted and not addressed at all in our lease with AT.

Cell Tower Leasing; Property Owners Rights 
Hi: I live near a cell tower. I always thought that it was on public property. However, I have received three calls in recent years from companies wishing …

How much should I increase the lease ($1900 a month) for a renewal if they have multi carrier cell tower? 
How much should I ASK to increase the lease ($1900 a month) for a 5 years renewal if they have leased in our land a multi carrier cell tower (Movistar …

Crown Castle takes buys ATT leases. 
My lease with ATT is now a CC lease. It terminates in May 2018. Can I go back to ATT and negotiate directly with ATT for a new lease. CC is crying that …

Just purchased a property with an existing cell tower lease It automatically renews every 5 years and it's up for renewal in a couple of month Can I renegotiate …

Loosing All Tenants On A Cell Tower 
We have a ground lease with SBA Communications. They have just informed me that they no longer have any tenants on this particular tower. They were paying …

Putting in a site without a tenant 
I am considering purchasing a used 150' Monopole, concrete shelter from CellSite and generator to put on my property. Would like to develop a cell phone, …

Number of tenants 
Looking at a standing steel tower is there a way to know how many tenants ( different cell companies) use the tower?

Commission Rates  
American Tower is charging a 28% commission on a roof top cell tower. Is that standard? And should contract mention the commission rate as mine did not? …

Lease Renewal 
We have a tower where the lease is not up until 2030 I believe. We currently get 6000.00 in rental. My Mother signed the last lease without us knowing …

Cell Tower Space rates 
We have three communication towers that we placed for our broadband network: two are 120 ft., and one is 110' ft. We were recently approached by a cell …

Is A Tower Management Company Necessary for Roof Towers of New Construction? 
Your site is incredible. I own a property in Los Angeles that is being approved for a seven story building being built on what has been an empty lot for …

buying Property with existing tower 
Hello, I am considering a property purchase with a tower and a 25 lease. The seller wants to keep the lease or have us buy it out. Any thoughts or suggestions? …

Lease contract? 
How do I get a copy of the lease contract of a property we are trying to purchase? I want to know if it's transferable after property acquisition or if …

Lease rates 
We have been approached by a company to put a tower on our property. How do we know if the quoted rental rate is legitimate and not the bare minimum? …

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is it worth it 
We are looking at a price of land and the seller says they have been wanting to put up a tower and we can make good money from it if we bought it . My …

I was called about a new tower they want to lease from me. 
The obvious what is the going average rate and increases over the 25 years and the best way to negociate the lease. I have a Sprint lease now. Now Verizon …

Verizon is offering to rent space on my building for $800.00 per month. Is this legit? Beach Channel Dr., Far Rockaway, NY

Lease extension 
My family owns property in Northeast Mississippi on which SBA owns a cell tower. They have requested a 30 year extension of their lease on the property. …

New tower and lease 
I am in the process of negotiating a new lease for a new tower. I am looking to maximize my return. I have land next to the main highway in Alaska that …

co location 
Can you expect the same rent you have on the tower when another carrier wants to co locate on your tower?

Cell tower lease rates Nova Scotia 
We own the property and we also own the 200 foot tower situated on it. Our biggest tenant is Bell. Currently they have two pinwheels on our tower with …

verizon wants to rent our storge facility (2 units and 2 lot spaces) 
My question is they are wanting to modify and have 24 hr access to our facility for "storage" and offer 500 a month for a 30 year contract? location :spokane …

Establishing a value for an established 4 carrier monopole tower - lease renewal. 
We are approaching the end of a lease on a 4 carrier monopole tower. Its a rural site along an interstate that had significant dollars spent on it to …

American Tower demanding to reduce lease payment 
The 198ft American Tower on my property in Dove Creek, CO has not had any tenants on it since the tower was installed in 2001. I have a 50 year lease and …

Buy outs and extended leases 
We are in the third year of the first five year contract with Verizon. Over the past year, we have been contacted by several parties want to buy our lease. …

fair market land rental price for cell tower 
My parents live in rural Butler County, Iowa. Verizon wants to build one cell tower on their land and offered $6,000 per year. Is this a good rate? Where …

Cell Tower lease 
I am a board member of a small private school that has been approached about placing a tower on campus. Obviously we are at square one. At what point …

Cell Tower Lease 
Hello I am the Emergency Coordinator and Fire Chief in Gingolx. I have a company that has installed a cell tower on the Fire Hall property and they want …

What is the Average Tower Lease Rate per month for Yucca Valley, CA? 
What is the Average Tower Lease Rate per month for Yucca Valley, CA? I have a contract and want to see if it compares with others that have towers in …

Telecommunications Lease 
What is my telecommunications lease worth? I have an old telecommunications lease that was for a tower built by Bell Atlantic Mobile in the 1990's in New …

Lease rate 
We have a cell tower leased to SBA with about 10 years left on the initial agreement. Currently there are Tmobile and Verizon on the tower. Currently …

Cell tower built without a lease or agreement 
To make a long story short...a company has built a tower on my land without a lease or easement. It has been there over 5 years. I live 3.5 hours away …

Tower removal at end of lease 
I want Verizon to take out a performance bond to cover the cost of removal at the end of the lease. Lease term is 25 yrs. Has this been done before?

dimensions required for a cell tower and for the property it will be built on. 
Dear Sir or madam, What are the Requirements for zoning restrictions and for desires of the carrier who might rent the cell phone tower. How many feet …

We are a public school 
We are a public school and have been approached by a company representing Verizon. They would like to replace one of our light poles at our football field …

cell tower lease rate 
There is an existing tower on our property. The lease payment still goes to previous owner through a verbal agreement. How can I find the terms of such …

Cell tower lease  
I am looking to purchase a peice of property that has 3 towers on it at this time. I guess I need to find out whose towers they are and ask them how …

Owned or leased 
Im buying property in Tellico Plains, Tennessee. There are two towers on the property. Do the tower people own the land or rent it?

Revenue share agreements when additional carriers are added 
Hi There What is reasonable expectation of negotiating additional revenue as additional carriers are added to the tower. I assume a flat fee regardless …

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cell tower in Alexandria Alabama 
We have property on highway 431 near Alexandria, Al. Verizon approached us about building a tower there, 100 X 100 ft property. first offer was 600.00 …

New Tower At&t 5k for 25yr 
I live in an out of the way mountain town in Ky. My property sits 3.5 acres on a hill on top of a hill. At&t has horrible coverage in this area and is …

Tower Lease Rates 
As part of the New Zealand Government Aid programme in the South Pacific a 60 meter tower has been constructed for the Government of Kiribati on the south …

What is the average amount of land these companies look for?

How do government lease rates vary by density? (urban/rural/etc.) 
I'm researching lease rates to make a recommendation to a government client. This could include hiring a company like yours to review their portfolio. …

Sales price for lease buyout 
We have an active lease in an industrial area in Detroit that pays around $2,000 per month, and we've had some interest by a couple of firms to buy it …

Tower Rates in Northwestern PA 
Was approached by a company to put up a tower. They wanted to give us a lump sum of $35,000 which we declined. They then offered $65,000 in a lump sum. …

Cell tower lease in Ouachita County (Camden, AR) 
My mother was approached by an AT&T representative requesting to put a cell tower on her property. The are is about. 7 miles south of Camden Arkansas …

fair market value 
I have 10 acres in Thompsonville Mi and Verizon came by and possibly wants to pay $500 a mo for 20-30 yr lease for 1 acre in middle of my property,nothing …

Lease buyout 
Hello, my in-laws are not tech or lease savvy. They have a Verizon tower leased at what I consider horrible terms. It is in year seven of a twenty year …

Atlas Tower co. 
Atlas Tower contacted us in Fairbanks Alaska. Is Atlas a company you deal with --- you do not mention them in your intro. Sounds like your initial …

mother's cell tower 
My mother is in a nursing home. She had a stroke last year and is somewhat confused. In 2013 she had an offer from American Tower (I think) to buy her …

Cancelling Lease. Possible? 
I am interested in purchasing an industrial property that happens to have a 250 ft cell tower. It is a ground lease with an 8% revenue sharing agreement. …

Verizon identified location 
Steve, Verizon made an offer of $6,000 per year to place an antenna on the roof of our shopping center a few months ago. We turned them down. Seemingly …

long term contracts when property changes is sold 
If you purchase land with a cell tower, does the contract have to be re-negotiated with the new land owners?

Adding antennas 
The tower owner added antennas to the tower with out my knowledge can I up the rent?

SBA lease agreement 
I purchased a property in 2003 that the former lease owner was foreclosed on. I purchased from the owner who foreclosed on previous owner. The lease contract …

Lease rate existing tower 
Can American Tower piggy back to avoid paying for additional carriers? At the end of twenty year lease with two seven year options can they automatically …

Cell tower land lease  
I live in a mountainous area in Idaho about 8 miles from the nearest tower, and interstate 15. Nobody throughout the canyon receives signal for their cell …

Who pays the Electric Bill/ 
Who pays the electric bill at a cell site? How is it separated from the building it sits on?

I own 20 apartment communities and I have been contacted.  
I am looking for a good firm to represent me obtaining leases.

Lease length 
Have existing tower on property. Company wants to double its land area for 99 year term and pay less than one fourth the dollar amount paid for first 20 …

extend lease 
How much incentive? Have 17 years left on current.

Extension of existing lease 
How do we determine the minimum monthly rent, which is the only item to be negotiated with our final 10 year extension?

Home rooftop rental 
Do you have any knowledge of cell tower rentals in Mexico? Last week, someone from a well-known phone company here in San Miguel de Allende asked about …

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A company contacted me about my rooftop location, now what? 
I have been approached about leasing my rooftop to an independent company so they could market it to the communication companies sharing the revenue 60/40. …

Lease Holder 
Our local fire department has a new cell tower on their site. How can I find out the lease agreement with the fire department. Not monetary amount but …

lease extension 
I have a cell tower managed by American Tower, they are offering to extend my lease for 6 six, additional 5 five year terms and offering an up front payment …

how much do you charge for this advice 
How much do you charge for this advice? Does population density matter? does altitude matter?

A fair rate  
I bought a piece of property with a tower already established on it. I found out t-mobile and another small carrier is using it. I live in Mississippi …

Market value of my existing tower ? 
Basically i'm wondering what my what the market value of my tower is. While working for a company as a cellular technician in the early 2000's, I bought …

Been approached by Cell tower company and offered a ground lease 
Need to review the lease agreement proposed and decide what is the actual acceptable lease rate for what is being planned to construct on our property. …

Lease rate 
If I purchase land with a tower am i obligated to the current contract?

Space Available in Key West, FL 
After a 15 year lease with a major telephone company they decided to terminate our agreement. We have a 36'x40' area available for lease. Is there still …

Is there a demand for a cell tower in my area 
There is no cell service within a six mile radius of my house, How do I contact a big company such as Verizon wireless to propose this idea of leasing …

Electric Bill 
If the cell site is on the top of the building is the carrier paying the electric bill to power it? If not does it have a separate meter or how is it parsed …

Colorado Client has a cell tower lease shared by Public Service Company of Colorado, Tri-State energy Generation and transmission Association, and Holy Cross energy 
The Lease is coming up for a 15 year renewal. The only issue is the renewal rent rate, which is based on the current U.S. Forest Service annual rental …

Negotiating contract renewal 
How much do your services cost to help negotiate a rental agreement? The last 5 year term was under $1,500 so I don't have a lot of money to put towards …

We would like to attract the business of wireless carriers 
Who do I need to talk to about their present wireless lease on a nearby building. The current building the wireless carriers are on is constantly under …

Lease Extension 
We have had an AT&T tower on our property for 20 years with 15% inflation adjustment every 5 years. We are currently getting $874 a month. Our lease is …

Lease buy out 
I have a tower lease with American Tower and I have been contacted by companies wanting to buy the lease. Are there reputable companies doing this? They …

Selling or renewing lease  
We have been approached about selling our lease because our lease is up in 2017. We currently have 2 carriers, the main one being AT&T which is up in 2017. …

New tower lease 
I have been approached to lease space for a tower about 5 miles out of Wichita, Kansas and they offered $750 month with $250 month extra for any over 2 …

Sale Of SBA Cell Tower 
I have an SBA Cell Tower on my property. I sold the lease rights until November 2022. At that time the lease will be 5 years, with 10 5 year options. …

Tower rent 
We have had a cell tower for twenty years on our property it is now owned by SBA. They have added a couple buildings and several new and different antenaes. …

Piggyback carrier income sharing 
I have a lease with AT&T. AT&T wants to add another carrier to the tower on my property and has offered to pay 15% of the rental it receives from the …

AT&T or Sprint 
When people with AT&T or other cellular companies visit us (excluding US Cellular or Verizon) they have no service. We have 20 acres and a PGE tower that …

Pay rate 
Do the monthly payments rate of a wireless communications, depends on the square footage or height?

Rates in Frederick, MD 
Given your knowledge of the market, could you give me a market range for monthly cell tower lease payments for 3,000 to 5,000 square feet, in or around …

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Lease rates in SF 
What is the rate for rental on roof for antenna - commercial building.

Lease Extension by American Tower 
I had a lease with Verizon for a tower site on my land. It is a 30 year lease with 24 years remaining. It was purchased recently by American Tower. …

we have a hundred foot by a hundred foot lease and they pay us 450 .00 a month  
Now they want to lease it forever for 5 thousand upfront and 750.00 month for 10 years and 30 to us and at the end of ten years should I do it.

Verizon cell tower on residential building 
How much income would a cell tower generate for a residential 9 story apartment building? Thank you.

Wind turbine tower 
I have a 140 foot tower for a wind turbine on my farm. Will/can cellular companies install on my tower?

I get $484.00 per month for cell tower lease 
Several years ago I bought property that has a cell tower. SBT owns the tower and they pay me $484.00 per month. We have a 5 year lease that has been …

Someone put a cell tower on my empty lot without my consent  
How do I find out who is getting paid - they are not sending me any money.

Buying land with two established towers 
I want to buy 94 acres with two established towers that are within 1/4 mile of interstate 44 in Lebanon, MO. Population of the city is 14,000. The lost …

Interest in Leasing 
Hello, My Church has a sizeable lot in the north Scottsdale area. We are interested in seeing if our location is desirable to anybody wanting to lease …

Carrier antennas located out of leased space 
We bought a property with cell tower lease already intact. We discovered carrier has 2 antennas that are located outside of the leased space. They immediately …

Cell tower lease rates In Montana 
Had a cell tower builder recently approach me about leasing some land, approximately 100x100 ft to build a 200 ft cell tower, and they said the site was …

Lease extension 
Can you tell me what the rate should be on my tower? I have been contacted by american tower for lease extension of my verizon tower. I would like to know …

Cell site lease rate 
Land Lease has offered $500/month to put a 150ft monopole on my property in Victoria, TX. It's a 5 yr lease initial term with 5 yr renewals for 30 years. …

extension or lease on vacant tower 
I have a mono tower on my property leased at $971.00 a month tower has been vacant for almost a year american tower wants to extend 12yrs remaining to …

cell tower lease rates 
I live in rural Louisiana and have a tower on my property with AT&T. I receive $725/month. I think it is worth more. My lease is about to expire and I …

Competitive Lease Rate 
What is a competitive lease rate for a rooftop cell Tower -12 PANEL ANTENNAS (4 PER SECTOR; 3 SECTORS TOTAL)? The rooftop is located in a densely populated …

Is it better extend you lease or sell it outright  
I've has several offers to buy out my lease But they don't make me a offer I can live with. Also crown castel wants to extend my lease by 70 yrs. …

cell tower worth 
We have a cell tower on our property currently bringing in $30,000 a year. I'd like to know if for the area and amount of companies using it if this amount …

New lease 
My father died and left me a parcel of land with a cell tower. The lease expires in two years. After the lessee was informed of my father's demise, they …

additional carrier add on without paying 
My lease is with ATT, ATT sold to Crown castle recently and I’m getting paid from Crown castle every month. I noticed recently Sprint wireless is on the …

Verizon lease Michigan  
We own 160 acres in mid Michigan and Verizon contacted us for a tower lease. The terms where $500 a month for 30 years with 2% increase every year. Wondering …

We are considering building our own tower... 
We are in an area that US cell has only one roof top site.. the other carriers have no sites we are aware of as well as other needs for the community including …

I have a verizon lease being transferred to American Tower 
My lease is for 5/5yr cycles. I have just begun the 2nd 5yr cycle. My lease increases 10% at the beginning of each 5 yr cycle. I have been pursued by …

cell site lease rate 
I have a cell site lease, along I-55 about 85 miles south of St. Louis MO. It is a 200ft tower. How do I go about getting a better lease or if I want to …

American Tower leasing a Verizon Tower 
I have had a verizon tower about 17 years. I was recently sent a paper to sign allowing American Tower to lease from Verizon. They just assume you will …

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We are talking with a carrier that wants to put a tower on our church property. We want language in the contract regarding sub leasing and their agent …

Verizon Sale of Leases to American Tower 
Does our current lease agreement with Verizon automatically transfer to American Tower with the lease/sale of tower sites or can we renegotiate the lease? …

C-Spire has a contract ready for us but we are concerned because they are telling us they do not pay for colocation anymore. Our beginning rate is not …

What to charge for rent in Early, County, GA? 
What do I charge for land rental for a tower in Early County, GA?

Proposed lease from verizon  
My name is Kim, I have the lease from verizon cell would like to put cell tower at my property in WA, after a year they get into my property to search …

Fees for Consulting and negotiating  
What are your fees if I employee you to negotiate a new lease with Verizon Wireless. My current lease expires in november 2016. The tower currently serves …

Landing a cell phone tower lease 
I have 33 acres of non-conforming use land in Mahopac, New York. It is situated on one of the highest elevations in Putnam County. The land is already …

Responding to first offer to place tower on my property 
I have been approached about putting a Com tower on my undeveloped property in Tarrant, Alabama, which is in Jefferson County, the state’s most populous …

Verizon want to lease my land 
I don't think they are offering me enough. They want a 20 year lease. The can get out of it but I cannot. I understand there is a program for 2 tower …

access to land 
What if the tower is not on your land but your land provides the only access to the tower?

Contacting tower company to look at my property 
How do you get a cell tower company to look at your property? I own a mountain top that you can see parts of three states from, it would be a great tower …

land lease 
I recently purchased land and the seller kept the .25 acre that has a tower on it. Now, the tower company is wanting to lease 2 acres of my land because …

I'm in Puerto Rico 
Do you have Cell Tower leasing experts in Puerto Rico? Thank You

New To This Option 
Hello, I own mountain property and am looking into doing a lease deal regarding cell towers. It is a fairly remote location and most people don't have …

Lease rate in Sacramento California for Verizon tower  
I'm talking to a Verizon cell phone tower leasing company about placing a tower on our property. But they only offered me $800 per month. What's it really …

lease and property from deceased parents 
My parents are recently deceased and owned acreage with a cell tower and lease. Their lease has another 10 years to go. They receive approx. 560.00 …

Negotiating a lease extension 
We are purchasing a 160 acre farm with a 200' monopole and lease that has 10 years left on it. The current owner will not allow any sublettors but we are …

re another tower 
I have a tower on my property (American towers) can I lease to another tower company? Do they have to be a certain distance apart as well? Also would …

how to add on 
We have a cell tower on our commercial property. There is one carrier. How do we get other carriers without relinquishing our rights?

Can you help me? 
Metro PCS which just purchased by T-Mobile has left me an empty space on my site? I need to replace them. The site is ready for a new provider to install …

Can you offer consultant services to Puerto Rico 
Can you offer consultant services to Puerto Rico?

length of lease 
We have been approached to increase our lease term to 65 years. What would be their advantage, or ours, when according to our contract they can bail out …

Verizon wants to put a 200' monopole on my property 
I live in a suburb of Washington, DC - Stafford County to be more specific. While I live in the western part of the county that is not as developed as …

Newly acquired land with existing cell tower lease 
I have recently purchased approximately 193 acres in western Tate County, Mississippi that has had an existing cell tower on it for the past 10 years or …

Tower Lease and Expansion 
We are located in Rolla, MO. and already have a mono pole tower on our property, using a 40'x 40' area. The cell tower company is requesting an additional …

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Small cell or DAS on Utility Distribution Poles 
I have a pretty good feel for cell tower lease rates but what are the average rates for small cell or DAS attachments on electric utility distribution …

Our optional lease is up in October 
Our optional lease for 18 months $100 is up in October with Horvath Communications/Towers. They have offered to resign us but we would like a better lease …

renegotiating a lease term for a tower with 12 years left 
I am currently receiving $650 PER MONTH. AT&T s new agents want me to renew my lease with 12 years left. They are offering me $800 with a cash payout …

bought a house with a cell tower on the property 
I bought a house last year I am wondering who to contact in regards to receiving payments for having the cell tower on my land. i believe its thru AT&T. …

purchasing property with a cell tower on it already 
1.If I buy this commercial property with a cell tower on it, what happens to the agreement with the prior owners of the property.? 2. What if the property …

Where do the cell tower leases get registered? 
I want to buy a property. It has a tower on it. What has the current owner of the property agreed to? Where is that agreement? How do you enter …


new lease in Golfito Costa Rica 
been approached by SBA to put a tower on my lot in CR . they are offering a lot less than I am getting hear in Vegas. What are your rates to help me negotiate …

Cell tower lease renegotiate 
Just wondering if I can renegotiate my current contract. I have roughly 10 years left on a 25 year lease which I did not sign it came with my property. …

Lease rates in southern WI 
I have been offered $700 per month for a 100x100 ft site on my property by a major carrier. They want a 5 year lease with 4 5yr options and an easement …

Antenna added to our roof without authorization 
We lease to AT&T and American Tower. We discovered that one of them installed 9 new antennas on our roof without authorization. How can we find out who …

Fair price of internet tower 
We have a internet tower on our property, roughly 40' tall with 6-8 repeaters on the tower running off our electricity ($30-$40 per month.) Question …

Adding a generator 
They want to add a generator to my site. What should I ask for in additional rent?

Lease buyout 
Im a landlord renting a 75 square meters (.01085 acres) for a small monopole antenna. The contract states that if needed, they can use up to 300 square …

perpetual easement agreement 
Our bank foreclosed on a piece of property with a cellular system installed on the building. We have owned the property a couple of years and have not …

Communication Tower Lease 
How can one determine what a good rental price for a communication tower lease would be in the San Francisco area? We have a cellular tower that has Verizon …

I have a 4 intersection in Kern Cty California Hwy 14@178 
35.6014806,-117.9010622 Above is the Intersection I own. Power is available. Can you be my broker and broker a deal with the cell agencies? What …

Lease Rates - TX 
I just received a call from a company looking to put a tower in my area. They said they would pay $400 a month with a 15% increase every 4 years. They …

your role and Fees  
Just wondering , what role that you at play if you are able to find a company who would like to install a tower on my property …

Land plot with three towers 
I don't own this land, but it is on my mind to be acquired. At a rate of a little over half a million dollars for a price tag, can three towers more than …

Approached by Verizon Wireless to Lease Ground Space on Existing Tower 
We currently have a cell tower on our property with one carrier onboard, T-Mobile. The tower rent lease is now owned by SBA Communications, but we own …

Southern Michigan Tower Rates 
We have been approached by Verizon to lease land for a tower in southern Michigan (Calhoun County) . Please advise what would be an appropriate yearly/monthly …

cap rate for leases? 
What are the general range for wireless leases on buildings?

getting paid to allow a carrier to dig and add lines on my property 
SBA towers paid out a lump sum to the previous land owner , now I own the property that the tower is on and Sprint just contacted me to get approval to …

Contacted about putting a tower on land 
We were contacted by Verzion a couple of months ago about putting a tower on our land. They came and took pictures and said they would be back in contact …

Click here to write your own.

lease amounts 
We were just contacted by optima as possible lease of our land for a tower site. We are located in Dickson TN in a rural area. What would the lease approximately …

Fair lease value 
WE have property in Lenexa, Kansas. Verizon wants to pay $1300.00/month plus give us $100.00 for to co-carriers on their antenna. Does this seem to be …

They installed a Generator on my site and never contacted me. Should I get extra rent for this item?

Increasing the existing leased space to include a generator 
Verizon has proposed to us an increase in their building plan to include a generator in exchange for renewing our Parking Lot. The cost of renewing the …

Lease rate for AT&T to add onto a Verizon Tower 
American Tower manages the Verizon Tower on our property. We have the ground lease with Verizon. They need to add another shelter which is not allowed …

Tower land lease value. 
We have a small office park where the individual owners own the land. In 1996 a owner had a radio station and was able to negociate a lease of part of …

Land Lease value 
I have a company wanting to lease a 60X60 foot area of dirt on my back property. How do I know what it is worth?

renegotiation of lease terms 
1.If i sell, or donate, a piece of the land where there is already a tower, is the new land owning situation a good ground to renegotiate a new contract? …

Lease rate for AT&T Cell Towers in Springfield Arknasas 
I am writing to see what the cell tower lease rate is for Springfield Arkansas. The AT&T representative is telling me that it is $500.00 per month. I am …

Value of lease 
Is there a formula i could use to determine the value of my lease should i choose to sell It. Its in oregon on the freeway, in the middle of the state. …

Amended lease due to expansion 
I have a 25 year lease with GCI in Fairbanks, Alaska with 19 years left on lease. GCI is acquiring ACS, who is partnered with Verizon. Verizon is aggressively …

Roof-top Cell Tower Lease Rates 
Currently negotiating a lease to the existing provider who is upgrading to 4G. We are a small community non-profit located in our own building in San …

cell tower value 
i am about to buy a building that has a cell tower on the roof. the landlord is including the income of the tower with the income from the units of the …

Is $10,800 a year a good figure for a lease with verizon 
Verizon offered me 12,000 a year, when l asked them to just pay the lump sum they refused. No deal was made at that time, now they have written me again …

Cell tower lease renewal 
I need to know if I can get help in getting a new contract in place when my current 30 year lease ends in 2016. I have already been contacted by ATT and …

Cell Tower Lease Rate Hutchinson County, TX 
I have a Verizon cell tower on our ranch in Hutchinson County, TX. The lease will be expiring next year. We are getting $2,351/Year. Is this a good …

Markham, Fauquier County, Virginia/highest & best I-66 location available 
How to contact companies looking for ideal prior approved site-not yet built How to determine lease rates Can i install my own flag pole, tree pole …

What's negotiable in a site lease between a tower / site acquisition company vs county government entity. 
I have been approached by a tower/site acquisition company claiming they are acquiring sites for a county wide emergency 911 system. The system was to …

Does a request to upgrade give us leverage to increase rent? 
We have a 5 year renewable at Tmobile's option for 5 terms. TMobile wants to upgrade its facility. The lease obviously gives them a right to do so. …

Expiring lease 
I currently have a lease that will expire in 2014. I have been contacted by md7 to negotiate the terms of the new lease. I am looking for some with knowledge …

Tier 1 Rental Rates for South Florida 
I am appraising a 400+ foot cell tower in Central Palm Beach County. 18 tenants on tower ranging from $500 per month to $5,100 per month. Top four tenants …

San Antonio new cell tower agreement imminent 
In 1997, we purchased property and a small commercial duplex that encompassed an existing cell tower. At the time of purchase, the seller retained the …

Approached by Crown Castle for Lease Buyout 
Hi, my father-in-law received an unsolicited offer from Crown Castle to purchase his lease with T-Mobile (who has a tower on the building rooftop), in …

Cell tower lease rates 2011-2012  
What are cell tower lease rates in California in 2012 and have they changed since 2011?

Cell Tower Rents 
What is fair pricing for cell tower rental rates in Portland Oregon? I am wondering what are typical lease rates paid by Verizon Wireless, AT&T Wireless …

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Lease Recordation 
Does a cell tower lease agreement with AT&T have to be recorded to be effective? AT&T is currently asking us to sign an Amendment to our original lease …

Not sure what the going rate would be. 
I am trying to help my grandfather because he has a tower on his property for 15 years and they paid him $400 a month. He needed the money and didn't …

Lease Amendments for additional facilities 
Our agency (local water district) has been approached by Crown Castle, on behalf of Sprint/Nextel, to negotiate a lease amendment for 8 additional antennas …

Average lease agreement pricing in New England 
I am looking at what the value of a lease agreement is compared to other similar leases that carriers in New England have entered into with land owners. …


Projected celltower leasing revenue? 
I have approximately 3 acres of open space available adjoining my residential project in Suffolk County, Long Island, and am contemplating leasing a portion …

What determines cell tower lease rates? 
I've been looking all over the internet to find "comps" on cell tower lease rates or some data and i am literally tearing out my hair. What are the main …

we have inherited a tower  
we have inhered a tower which at first was owed by att then Verizon now american tower is the land lord and is pushing to sign a new contract. our contract …

Tillman infrastructure, LLC wants to put cell tower on my property 
Tillman infrastructure wants to put a cell tower on my property leasing a 100' x 100' area and pay me 500$ monthly for 10 years initially and then with …

American Tower taxes 
American Tower purchased 2500 square feet of the property we are currently purchasing. We have been paying the taxes on this property for over 3-4 years, …

length of time per lease 
I now have a 25 year lease with american tower, they want me to sign for an extra twenty five years, makiing it a 50 year term, seems rather long to me. …

Do you assist in negotiations and/or finding additional users etc.. In Canada I have a site currently 1 tower 2 seperate leases telus/bell in Alberta …

About your web site? 
How come you guys do not have a sexy brunette popping up on your page like the guy in Tennessee? Also, why does his information look suspiciously …

cell tower lease rate TN 
At&t wants to lease a piece of my commercial property land to build a cell tower. They are asking for 100ft by 100ft, and offer to pay $800.00 per …

ballpark for lease rates 
My mother in law has property in a small community in Oklahoma. She has been approached by a cell tower company about a lease. They say they will need …

Oklahoma City, OK cell tower lease rates 
I have been approached by at&t to extend their current cell tower lease on my property on I-35, Oklahoma City, OK. What is the current range of lease …

Cell Tower Lease Buyout Tennessee 
Just inherited a cell tower lease from my mom, with my twin brother. He wants to sell the lease to the the company for $150,000 dollars. We are getting …

cell site tenant 
How to locate tenant for commercial location I own to optimize my return potential on this investment without restricting other commercial uses. The property …

Insurance and indemnification 
Our proposed lease to Verizon has requirement that we carry a million dollar commercial general liability policy. It also has multiple indemnification …

Larry's Tower lease renewal 
I would like to know what the average site lease rate should be for a rural 4g tower with verizon and AT&T providers already on the tower.

Lease to American Tower 
I'm leasing to Verzion now, and American wants to buy or re lease from me , Others have offered to buy this from me in the past but I didn't …

Site Leasing 
I have been contacted by an Agent of a Leasing Company about putting a Cell Tower on my property in Miami, Florida. What is the going rate for leases …

PI Telecom Infrastructure, LLC Cell tower question  
Pl telecom wants to pay 500.00 a month with a 5,000.00 sign bonus if we sign in two weeks. With 5 year agreement 10% on each Renewal Term up to 25 years. …

Cell Tower Lease rates Oregon 
We have been approached by a "consultant" for U.S. Cellular to lease a space on our 25 acre hilltop parcel. What can we expect, if they decide our land …

Cell tower on a PG&E tower 
Good Morning, I acquired a open lot which has a PG&E tower upon it. PG&E has an existing easement agreement with the prior owners to attach a AT&T …

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Rent Sharing 
We have a tower lease that has multiple subleases. Our Master lease provides for 50% rent sharing for all rents collected by the tenant pursuant to any …

new cell tower lease on my land 
My land is in a rural area of northwestern Minnesota. and while the population for about 6 months of the year is fairly low, the area swells to tens of …

proposed lease  
Is 750.00 per month with 10% escalator every 5 years and a total term of 40 years a fair price in rural southeast Kansas?

Feasability study on cell tower lease for our church 
Many years ago, our church looked into the possibility of leasing a small amount of our land for a cell phone tower with Nextel. There offer was dismal …

Cell Phone Tower Lease Iowa 
I would like to know the value of the location of where Verizon wants to build a tower on our land. There are only 2 of their towers here in Marshalltown, …

Cell tower rental 
I am a member of a church whose steeple is very high. Tmobile currently leases space and says there is room for more lease space. How do I contact other …

How do I determine what carriers are on my leased cell tower?

Getting carriers 
I have a cell tower lease but no carriers. We are in the heart of Marcellous well drilling and need service. With all the extra traffic and well drilling …

Cell Phone Tower Rates in Colorado 
We have been approached about a cell Tower Lease on our property in Estes Park Colorado next to Rocky Mountain National Park. Initial offer from AT& T …

cell tower lease with verizon 
We were approached last year about leasinf a 100 by 100 spot for a tower my sistwer did not feel that 12,000 was enough per year, the deal fell through. …

Homeowner resistance 
I have 372 acres. Part is next to an existing subdivision but outside the city limits. Am I likely to be resisted by the county government? Do you actively …

Lease agreement with wireless phone and internet provider to built a tower on 50 by 50 piece of land 
What would be a good monthly rate for this type of lease. The land is farm land located in rural Texas.

what should the lease rate be for a cell tower in Bucks County Pa? 
We are negioting a lease that will allow us to lease space to other carriers. We are in a high elevation on an 80,000 car a day main corridor and I am …

lease rates & concerns 
Approached by Verizon in upstate NY- what are leasing rates in this area going for. Should I consult a lawyer?

Approached by Tower Company for Land Lease 
How many antennas does each company need on the tower to service their customers? I assume 360 degrees, and how many companies can share a less than two …

Is there a seperate value put on each part of a lease? 
The neighbor above me, has a cell tower on their property. There are 3 parts to the lease agreement. The land where the tower actually sits, the turn around …

Increase my lease Payment 
I had a lease agreement which came due the 1st of September. In my agreement was a clause that all they had to do was send me a registered letter which …

tower lease in louisiana  
What is the going rate in Lafayette, Louisiana? The lease is with Crown Castle.

Fair lease value for rooftop tower 
Rooftop tower located in Norwalk California on San Antonio Drive. We are looking for any information related to fair rent lease value for these types of …

lease help in Lake County, MN 
We have been approached by a leasing agent for AT&T. They had an agreement of some sort with the owner of adjoining property, but apparently are having …

Looking to lease space for cell site 
If you have any company that is looking to place a cell site in Long Beach, near the 710 & 91 freeway, please give me a call. Patrick - (562) 824 - 9708 …

Size of footprint 
Is there a "typical" footprint size for a cell tower. My church is in negotiations with Crown Castle. 2 years ago they inquired about a 50' X 50' footprint. …

Comcast joining with T mobile 
My cell site tower is owned and managed by American tower. T mobile is the top carrier. Comcast is running under ground wire to hook up with T-Mobile. …

Tower lease 
I have been tasked with finding a new lease for my clients Cell tower. Can you help? -Robert

how to find the leasee 
I want to lease my office roof top in Antioch, CA for antenna use, how can I find the customer?

Click here to write your own.

lease rates 
Hello my name is Sandy and I manage a 23 story commercial building here in St Louis. Currently we have Warner Communications antennae up for renewal. …

mono poles 
How do find out who has the currant lease & rate for the mono pole on property that I recently acquired?

Lease Rate in Mt Pleasant, SC 
Any estimate for what cell tower developers are paying property owners to lease their land for a 130 ft cell tower (monument style)

Lease offer at $500/ mo for 25 years 
My friend was offered a deal 3 months ago for $500/ mo for 25 years. Is this a scam or is this rate right? They haven't heard back from them since. It …

Which carriers are the best for paying high leases? Is it better to go with CC or ATT for your first contract? How are you independent from carriers? …

How do I know if there is a need in my area?

time frame 
From the start of rent negotiations, to tower construction and the landlord seeing the first rent check, how long does it typically take, say, for a suburban …

We may buy a building with a satellite  
How much would it cost to have you review and evaluate The sprint contract for us? Thanks Jo

I own rural property in florida 
I own 5 1/2 acres in Florida near the NE tip of Lake Okeechobee. I get decent cell phone coverage with AT&T, but when my son has visited me he can't get …

Property Owner in South Africa 
Hi, I have recently acquired a property that has an existing tower. I would like to understand whether the rental currently received is fair (approximately …

Century Link - Tower Rental 
Century Link wants to rent space on my tower in Sedona, AZ (Yavapai County)... What's a fair rate to charge them?.. Tom Tabback Pres/GM am780 KAZM …



Fair Rental 
What is fair pricing for cell tower rental rates in Sylacauga, Alabama? Have lease with Crown with increases every 5 years at 20% escalation. Site located …

Lease agreement Kansas 
I signed a lease agreement 20+ years ago and it came due in September. They sent me a notice which said they where exercising there lease for 10 more …

Land owner requirements 
How much land area is needed for a tower? What is the montly payout for the use of my land?

How do I get started, getting a tower on my farm? 
I own a farm in GA, and KY would love to get a tower on each of them, how do I get started?

Lease rates Salt Lake City 
What is the average lease rate in Salt Lake City?

Lease rates Houston TX 
What is a typical lease rate for a tower in the NW Houston Market? How do you determine how many carriers will be on the tower when they make an offer …

Not sure if the amount they are offering is fair 
Big river telephone is offering $350 month to put up a tower. I don't want to loose the contract but $350 seems low. However they could easily go somewhere …

Lease Rates in Jackson, Wyoming 
We have a carrier who wants to put in a tower. We do not know what the going rate is but we do know that they do not have a lot of choices. Can you give …

Existing Cell site in Peru 
Hi, my father in law resides in Chorrillos Peru (inside Lima), and has a tower (I think NexteL), but unfortunately had an agreement for the past 10 years …

My family have been contacted to place a tower on my 87 year old mothers farm 190 acres I listened to the guy pitch her 
She had received a letter saying that she could get 1000 to 2900 on the phone he said 1000 plus 10 % on any ad one. I remember a guy who got 2500 a month …

Going rate for AT&T cell tower in Memphis TN on commercial property 
Rates for AT&T cell tower on commercial property in the city?

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New cell tower 
I live in Montague county Texas, a representive from Horvath towers III is interested in constructing a cell tower. Do you know anything about this company …

Cell Tower Rates 
What is the range of cell tower rental rates for the areas around Riverside California.

Where are towers needed most in New Jersey 
I am currently looking for a property that I would like to lease for cell tower usage. Would you know where towers are needed most?

lease paid off for 25 years 
My lease company offer me $18,100 for 25 years, I only get around $550.00 not even $600.00. If you do the math it will be 150,000 for 25 years, not include …

raw land lease rates for southern new jersey 
I need a rough estimate for raw land lease rates, locted near williamstown, nj 08094. Located on a farm in a semi rural area. Please make a realistic …

Lease rates Smart Meters 
Here is a dumb question.... In order to place a cell tower on your property there is a lease rate. Since SMART METERS from the electric company …

Mountain property in Virginia that I would like to lease for a cell tower Not rated yet
I have 250 acres in Amherst Va. near Wintergreen Ski resort. Would like to know if I can lease it for a cell tower. I have high elevations and a substation …

A tower with no Antenna Not rated yet
I have a cell tower on my property, but there has never been an antenna on the tower, for 8 years. Recently, Another company contacted me to build another …

Cell Sites on Water Towers vs. Cell Sites on Electrical Transmission Towers Not rated yet
When a telecom carrier ends up leasing space to install antennas needed to operate their network on a water tower or on an electrical transmission tower, …

selling part of a lease Not rated yet
Are there companies out there that will buy a portion of the lease??? Right now American tower is wanting to buy all of it at a very below price. We have …

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