Is there a "typical" footprint size for a cell tower. My church is in negotiations with Crown Castle. 2 years ago they inquired about a 50' X 50' footprint. Then, the contract they sent specifies 100' X 100'. That's 4 times the size (almost 2 acres of land). Shouldn't either the upfront payment, the monthly rental fee, or both be significantly higher going from 2,500 square feet to 10,000 square feet?
you need to get your math right- a 100' x 100' footprint is equal to 10,000 square feet. 1 acre of land is 43,560 square feet. So,as you state,almost 2 acres of land,is equal to 87,120 square feet. You are off by just a bit...
Jul 20, 2016 Rating
Crown tower footprint by: Stephen
Cathy there are at least a dozen other items to pay attention to in the Crown Castle lease, and you can be certain that they won't tell your church what those items are. Please call us to discuss.
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