
By Steve Kazella

Is your Crown Castle lease up for renewal or renegotiation? Chances are that representatives from Crown Castle International, one the nation's top cell tower companies, have contacted you to extend their cell tower lease agreement for the telecommunications tower that's located on your property.  Do you have questions about your Crown cell tower lease and need answers? We can help. In fact, we have helped multitudes of Crown Castle cell tower landlords all over the United States since 2008 to make sense of the lease proposals they have received, with outstanding results. 

Crown Castle Lease Extension

Crown Castle International (CCI) wants to ensure their long-term position on your property by extending the cell tower lease agreement that currently exists on the communications tower that they acquired from AT&T or T-Mobile. They do own and manage other carrier's cell phone towers as well, but their cell tower portfolio primarily consists of T-Mobile and AT&T cell towers. But should you sign a Crown lease extension now if you still have 10 or 12 years left on your lease? That's the million-dollar question, isn't it. This is why we carefully review each Crown lease extension proposal on a tower-by-tower basis, as no two cell towers are identical, based on location, topography, network coverage and zoning. Crown representatives will tell you that they want to extend the lease to make the site "more marketable" or attractive to future subtenants. While this is true, Crown will usually ask for the moon on these deals.  Wireless carriers will rarely lease tower space if there are less than 15 years remaining on a lease. 

Call Tower Genius

The problem arises for property owners and landlords, when Crown Castle expects you to give them the moon, and agree to lease terms that are significantly tipped in their favor, taking away just about any leverage that you would have had in the negotiation. It's important for cell tower landlords to structure their Crown Castle leases properly. Also, make sure that you don't sign the Crown Castle Letter Agreement before having an expert :-) review their proposal. Better yet. Have a cell tower lease expert from Tower Genius review your proposal and provide you with a lease valuation and transactional coaching.

And don't expect Crown Castle to tell you or your attorney how to get the best value for the landlord in the deal. That's why Crown Castle landlords need a hired gun on their side. We will show you how to make sure that your Crown Castle amendment or Crown Castle lease renewal brings your Crown tower lease up to fair market value, and that your amendment is structured properly to benefit you well into the future and also make it a viable deal for Crown where they will want to remain on your property.

New Crown Castle Cell Tower?

What about newly proposed Crown Castle Cell Towers?  Glad that you asked... CCI has primarily grown by acquiring portfolios of cell towers from AT&T and T-Mobile. When they are contacting property owners however to place a new cell tower on your property, 99% of the time it is their "Strategic Relocation Group" who is contacting land owners through a third party site acquisition representative. They are almost always looking to move or relocate an existing Crown Castle cell tower. Chances are, that there is a Crown cell tower within a few hundred yards of your property where they are having trouble renewing the lease, and they are two years or three years out from their "FLE" (final lease expiration) date. Crown Castle has an obligation towards its clients Verizon Wireless, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint to provide them the vertical real estate they need to operate their networks. Most of the time they are not going to present you with a Crown Castle lease agreement. Sometimes it will be an Option Lease but most of the time they are just going to try to get you to sign a Letter Agreement (term sheet) with things like a 99-year lease term in an attempt to lock in the property. What they are really doing is taking your signed term sheet and using it as leverage to go back to the existing cell tower landlord to try to get a rent reduction or negotiate better terms. 

Property owners are at risk, especially if they go and retain an expensive attorney or one of the many less experienced cell tower consultants pretending to be experts, who will take your money and not explain the nuts and bolts of these Crown Castle relocation lease "proposals". 

Talk to Tower Genius today about your Crown Castle lease agreement.

Call us at 1-888-313-9750.

Let Tower Genius Help You With Your Crown Cell Tower Lease Agreement.

Talk to us about:

  • Reviewing You Crown Cell Tower Lease
  • Letter Agreement Which Precedes The Crown Lease Amendment
  • Crown Lease Renewals
  • Crown Letter Agreement Pitfalls
  • Questions About Selling Your Crown Revenue Stream 
  • What Is Your Crown Cell Worth?
  • Will Your Crown Tower Lease Become Obsolete?
  • What About Revenue Sharing?
  • And About 15 Other Lease Items...

Don't expect Crown Castle to tell you what your site is worth and what you need to do in order to protect your interests and maximize the value of your Crown lease. Their tower managers are knowledgeable and aggressive when it comes to negotiating. Remember that you are swimming with the sharks, and if you are not careful you could become their next meal.

Contacted by Crown Castle International?

If you have been contacted by a Crown representative, make sure that you do not sign any terms sheets or letters of intent, proposals or anything without having a wireless leasing professional take a look at it first. You can Contact Us about your Crown Castle Lease or call us on our Crown Landlord Hotline at 1-888-313-9750.

Do You Have A Crown Castle Cell Tower Lease Agreement Question?

Are you a property owner or landlord with an existing Crown Castle lease agreement or have you been approached by Crown Castle and you have a question about their cell tower lease? Let's hear it!

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Sprint and T-Mobile Merger impact on Crown Castle cell tower 
I have a Crown Castle International cell tower on my property and there are all 4 major carriers on the tower including Sprint and T-Mobile, and also AT&T …

10 acre lease for cell tower 
Why would a t and t want to lease 10 acres for a cell tower?

Current Lease Specifics 
Wondering what the current lease rates or perpetual easement buyout numbers may be. Crown wants to purchase a perpetual easement for the current lease …

Avg Amount Crown Castle receives from each tenant yearly? 
What is the average amount Crown Castle receives from each tenant yearly?

Purchase a perpetual easement  
Have a 50 yr lease agreement now at 1400 per month,15. o/o with added carriers and GNP increase We are getting up in yrs, they offered to buy out our …

Letter Agreement from Crown Castle International 
We are negotiating a letter agreement with Crown to add fifty years to the lease in order to extend it and also do a few other things. I have a deadline …

crown wants easement on my property 
I have a AT&T lease on my property with a rather large building, crown castle approached 10 year ago to get ATT lease extended to 100 year, was told by …

subtenant payments 
Crown castle has approached me about a 50 year lease extension. In return for granting the extension I have been offered $200 per month, in addition to …

Going Rates for Syracuse NY 
Do you have an idea of the lease rates for the Greater Syracuse, NY area. We are located about half a mile from the NYS thruway and INterstate 690 and …

Just bought a tower thru a tax sale 
This is probably a strange one. In Oct. of 2014 I purchased a tax lean on a 1/2 acre property that has an established cell tower on it. I now have the …

renewed the lease with out contacting the landlord 
In 2010 crown castle renewed their lease and set it to expire in December 31, 2031. I have gone over countless documents all state them doing this with …


Renegotiating Terms 
I have ownership in a tower lease Crown purchased from ATT last year. Since that time they (crown) has aggressively been attempting to have us sell completely …

Elderly Mom's CC Lease Renews in 2017 
My Mom is 83, and is dealing with Crown Castle, the current Operator since 2013 (and 2 other companies) who are interested in her cell tower lease that …

Crown castle want to buy the lease of the 2 towers on my property 
I'm the landlord of the property and there are two tower on the of them owned by AT&T ....both belong to crown castle.... Crown castle …

installing generator without any additional revenue 
i have perpetual lease with crown castle that has no language about backup generators. Lease signed in 1994. But they insist they have right to add generator …

lease extention with crown castle and sprint 
I have a 25 yr lease with crown castle. Down to the last 9 yr period. Crown castle for two years wanted a 25 yr extention or buy out at 275 thousand dollars. …

Sharing lease agreement 
Crown offering to enter a revenue sharing agreement 25% Landlord and 75% Crown, extend the lease 35 more years and landlord continues to receive original …

extension of the lease  
They want an extension to 40 years instead of 19 remaining years so they can attract additional carriers. We are getting $1587/mo plus $150/mo for additional …

Lease Extension 
Crown Castle has contacted me requesting an additional 20 years on their lease. The current lease expires in 2033. What are the pros and cons of extending …

AT&T sellout to Crown Castle 
I am the landlord of one of AT&T's towers in Arkansas. What will mostly likely happen to my lease? When Cingular was bought by AT&T, the lease was assumed …

Crown Castle Extension 
I initially leased by property to BellSouth who turned into AT&T and the check I receive monthly is from AT&T, so why is Crown Castle negotiating the extension …

Crown Castle lease extension 
I have a question about extending our Crown Castle lease. How can I determine what a fair price is in Upstate New York? Also why would Crown not want …

Crown Castle lease  
We are 12 years into a 25 year lease on a cell tower which is on our farm and Crown Castle who now owns the cell tower approached us about a lease extension. …

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Crown Castle Right of First Refusal 
We are considering a proposal from Crown Castle International to extend a lease for a cell phone tower on our land. We have questions about several of …

Ripped off by Crown Castle 
This is not a question but my experience with Crown in 2001. I have a piece of property (about 4 acres) in a rural but desirable location along an interstate …

Approached by Crown Castle to put cell tower on my property 
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Lease Amendment - Crown - ROFR - Length of Extension  
Currently we have a cell tower lease that has options for renewal until 2035 with Crown Castle. They are coming to us requesting that we extend their lease …

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I need your expertise in reviewing a crown castle lease amendment. The current lease ends in 16 years. I currently receive $464/month with flat rate increases …

Can I renegotiate if an easement has been granted.  
I am purchasing a piece of property that has an easement to Crown Castle. They purchased the easement in 2008. Is there anyway to renegotiate this deal. …

Lease Amendment Negotiation from Crown Castle 
We have 14 years left on the first 25 year lease. They want to add 25 more years for an expedite fee of $15,000. We receive about $900 monthly with a 15% …

Crown Castle cell tower lease rates 2021 Not rated yet
What are Crown Castle cell tower lease rates in 2021? What are Crown Castle rental stream lease buyouts worth in 2021? How does the T-Mobile Sprint …

WARNING Crown Castle Term Sheet Disguised as Entry and Testing Agreement Not rated yet
Beware of an apparently deceptive tactic that appears to be currently in use by Crown Castle likely by its cell tower Strategic Relocation Group. Recently …

How is it that Crown Castle can use my brother's land to access their tower without approval to do so? I have been working with Anthony M. a real estate …

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Tower Genius is neither an agent, sub-agent, re-seller, contractor or sub-contractor for Crown Castle or any other wireless company. We are an independent wireless telecommunications consulting firm that provides property owners with wireless lease review and negotiation services. If you need to contact Crown Castle directly about your Crown lease, please visit their website.
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