We are 12 years into a 25 year lease on a cell tower which is on our farm and Crown Castle who now owns the cell tower approached us about a lease extension. Why would they want to do this so soon? Doesn't seem we have to much leverage negotiating this Crown Castle lease extension because they really aren't offer too much. Does your firm have any thoughts or advice on how to deal with the Crown lease offer?
Landlords -- Tower Genius LLC - the publisher of this blog and website can help you to navigate the murky and shark infested waters of Crown Castle cell tower lease amendment and Crown Castle lease extension negotiations.
You can take this one to the bank. Crown Castle is NOT going to lift a finger to help you to get a fair deal on your cell tower lease. You can bet the farm on that one.
The Crown Castle tower manager that you deal with does not work for you or represent your interests. They work for the company and the shareholders of Crown Castle International.
And it's a safe thing for us to say, having been helping Crown Castle landlords for almost 10 years now, that most attorneys who you might call know nothing about cell towers. Any why would they?
If you want to have a fair deal with Crown Castle, you need a hired gun, like Tower Genius. Talk to us today.
Tower Genius LLC 1-888-313-9750
Jun 13, 2013 Rating
Bob call us. by: Tower Genius
We can help you make heads or tails of the Crown Castle lease offer. We negotiated Crown cell tower leases for property owners just about every week for the last 6 years.
Tower Genius 888-313-9750
Jun 13, 2013 Rating
Extending my Crown Castle tower lease by: Bob
Hello I am trying to value my cell tower lease with Crown Castle. I am pretty sure that AT&T and T-Mobile are both tenants on the cell tower and they only have a few years left. The Crown representative offered a cash signing bonus if I extend my lease for 50 years. Is that too much time? They also discussed the possibility of a rent guaranty so the rent won't be in danger of going away if they decide to remove the tower. My rent is less than $1,000 monthly and I think that my site is worth at least double. We are right off the interstate. Any thoughts?
Nov 01, 2010 Rating
CROWN Cell Tower Lease Extension by: Tower Genius
Crown has been quite aggressive in extending tower leases and the 12-year mark seems to be common as we get calls from landowners weekly who are in their 12th or 13th year and are proposed an extension.
They want to expand the leased Premise so that they can have additional co-location and many times already have a cellular carrier lined up to install their antennas on the tower. There is usually a small amount of negotiating space with them but they usually want to pay a one-time small cash payment an keep everything the same. However depending on how badly they need the location there is some room for negotiating more favorable terms.
We know the Crown Castle lease and understand the leasing terms which they are most likely to accept and reject.
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