Crown castle has approached me about a 50 year lease extension. In return for granting the extension I have been offered $200 per month, in addition to the current $605 monthly check, for each additional subtenant. That $200 figure seems small to me; is this number typically negotiable? They have also offered a $3000 "signing bonus" if the agreement is returned by Monday, Feb. 1, 2016. A pressuring tactic? Thanks for your help!
I hope you didn't fall for the used car salesman Feb. 1st signing bonus deadline trick. Of course Crown isn't the only one, this is a pressure sales tactic used by most cell tower companies to get landlords to sign.
A fifty year lease extension is crazy but it sometimes seems increasingly like the lunatics may be running the asylum at Crown Castle.
Please call us to discuss. Sounds like they are fishing for a quick deal.
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