They want an extension to 40 years instead of 19 remaining years so they can attract additional carriers. We are getting $1587/mo plus $150/mo for additional carriers. Currently no additional carriers. They want to go to a % (18-20%) instead of flat $150...
Michael... we never extend a lease for more than 20 years. The carriers like to lock in to a site for 25 years but they will lease space with 15 years remaining. This is just a ploy to get you to give them the extra time now so you cant hold them hostage latter. Don't agree to anything as it will hurt your income potential. Give us a call so we can properly guide you as we have some site specific questions. The initial call is free.
Tower Genius 888-313-9750
Dec 22, 2013 Rating
Who are you dealing with? by: Anonymous
"They" does not help to get answers that can get you an idea of what you can get. Who? Wireless co, tower management co, 3rd party tower traders?
Also, there are many variables that need to be answered. As in the ones I am faced with right now:
AT&T has four years left on their lease. AT&T leases to Sprint, who has a 30/5yr lease. Crown Castle just took over the ATT lease. The area is developing fast and the land is becoming very valuable.
Lease extension. Are you in the middle of nowhere and see no development coming your way? Imagine a developer coming to buy you out and seeing a section of land he can't use.
Additional carriers $150.00, 18-20%, no way.
I would contact these guys and use them for your extension negotiations. They are already there, Tower Genius be able to push them harder.
Dec 20, 2013 Rating
co location by: Anonymous
I get 15% for additional carriers.. But that was from 2000
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