I go away for 2 days and this is the stuff that winds up on my blog? Oh well... Based on this thread I don't think I will be publishing any of the cell tower leasing video tutorials I recently produced from my beachside tiki hut in Anguilla wearing a Speedo, or the bikini yacht video based on Tom Vu's famous real estate investing seminar infomercials.
Jan 18, 2014 Rating
images by: Anonymous
If you have a cell tower lease, and know how to maximize it, the chicks will come to you.
No need for virtual women then.
Jan 18, 2014 Rating
Ken? by: Anonymous
I don't think Ken needs much help if he is who I think he is. Studying other sites would be like doing your homework as I do. Keep up the good work to Ken and to Tower Genius.
Jan 17, 2014 Rating
Good question and great hair.... by: Desean (Tower Genius)
We do not believe that utilizing a sexy model to be a popup spokesperson adds anything to our message. In fact we find it demeaning to women. We do not believe that women should be used as mouth pieces who are forced to read horrible copy for "the man's" gain. I thought that this type of blatant sexist behavior went out with the sale of the last Edsel.... i guess not. We believe our customers are intelligent and classy enough to see through their approach and many have pointed this issue out to us.
You are very observant regarding the message being conveyed by a certain webpage. Since we are the leader in our industry, and the only true landlord advocate, you have to expect some substandard companies are going to play follow the leader and try and "imitate" the quality of our site and use our slogans as their own. You could always verify which company was first by pulling up the "Wayback Machine" website and plugging in the addresses. Besides, do you really think someone who has to use sex to sell wireless lease services really has an original thought in their head?
Let us know if we can help you Ken... we look forward to your call. Thanks for contacting us.
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