My cell site tower is owned and managed by American tower. T mobile is the top carrier. Comcast is running under ground wire to hook up with T-Mobile. Should a property owner get more rent for this????
Sometimes it's worth having a licensed surveyor come out to verify if work is being or was done outside of the easement or leased area. If you can verify that they are indeed not in compliance with their lease, then a letter of default needs to be sent (do it exactly as the lease instructs you) and then they have a set timeframe to cure the default. Most of the time they will rather site down and negotiate terms with you. This applies to towers and rooftop cell sites.
Jul 11, 2014 Rating
Not so black and white. by: 20 yr site owner
Check your lease area. If the area the cable passes under is outside the lease area, and you own the area the cable is passing under. Time to negotiate.
If all contained in lease area, probably out of luck.
Jul 11, 2014 Rating
No by: Anonymous
When people start wanting to be paid for underground cable it usually points to the fact their contract doesn't pay them for sub tenants or additional rents that are collected.
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