My mother in law has property in a small community in Oklahoma. She has been approached by a cell tower company about a lease. They say they will need up to 5 ac. for the site. What is a range of fair market value in such a situation??
You may not be interested in getting a relatively small monthly rent. You do however have some options much like when you play the lottery you can elect to get an upfront large lump sum. The wireless and tower companies don’t give you that option because they want to preserve their capital for building more sites.
Dec 08, 2011 Rating
Oklahoma cell tower leasing by: Tower Genius
Stephen they are looking for utilizing up to 5 acres since it is likely going to be a guyed wire tower. If it were a lattice tower or monopole, a carrier like US Cellular or AT&T would not need to rent more space than a 50 foot x 50 foot area. Tower companies like Crown or American Tower will want a 100 x 100 area so they can put the telco equipment of other carriers on the ground.
If it's a rural site in Oklahoma and you are dealing with a tower company, some of them are real low ballers and they will try to do the deal for $300 or $400 per month and play you against your neighbor's property. Depending on the leverage you have you may be able to get them up to $600 or $700 per month. If you are dealing with a carrier you can usually get a bit more money depending on the location, between $600 - $800 monthly. If you are in an urban sprawl area or in a high traffic area then your rates will be around $1,000 - $1,200 per month.
Let us know if we can assist you. Remember, they aren't only trying to get you on the rental price, they are also trying to give you leasing terms that are 100% in their favor.
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