I know that a land owner getting 1600.00 a month for the next 5 years and than they will renew the contract for 5 more years at your price.
Aug 17, 2019 Rating
Yes it's low. by: Tower Genius
Hey Scott. Yes, you're correct, it's a low ball number.
We've bumped into a real "gem" of a cell tower site acquisition representative representing Verizon Wireless in Central Georgia recently. To keep her identity masked, let's call her "Dorothy" not to embarrass her.
Usually when cell tower land consultants who are scouting for cell tower locations make lowball offers to property owners it's in rural locations where there is potentially other land available.
These cell tower leases are usually extremely lopsided in their favor. Their leasing reps are incentivized to bring deals in cheap.
Often times, especially if the cell tower site acquisition representative is lazy or of a lower skill set or has questionable ethics, they will often make a low ball take it or leave it offer.
Although $500 is still not bad for "found money" it is still way below what the site is worth.
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