Proposed Cell Tower

Our church has been approached by a company who wants to put a cell tower on our property. They first offered $1,000 per month with a 2% annual escalator - 50 year term. We counted for $1,700.00 per month with a 2% annual escalator. They have counted with $1,200.00 per month with a 2% escalator and 15% revenue sharing. Is this a good deal for our church?

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Apr 01, 2024
by: Anonymous


Editor's note:
Are you from the church? If yes, why haven't you called us?
The info provided is not sufficient to answer the question. We could write a dissertation. If your church is broke, $1000 could be a great help but we need to know who was proposing the tower, it is a carrier or a developer? Where is it located? What other properties are available? Etc etc etc.


Jan 13, 2024
by: Stephen

Please contact us.

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