What do you charge to negotiate a new contract? My tower is rented by Rise Broadband, They have rented this tower for 10 or 15 years. They have not increased the rent. They pay 350.00 per month. I have talked to them before, they said I would be able to renegotiate the rent when the contract ends in 2020.
I would like to know how much you charge to do the renegotiation with Rise Broadband.
The tower is located in rural northern Utah, Willard Utah.
The tower was originally built by Version in about 1990.
Thank you
Comments for My tower lease is to be renewed (07/23/2020
We Do Not Get Involved With Internet Towers by: Stephen
We don't get involved with internet towers. We are able however to take a look at your lease and spend some time with you on the phone to go over strategies etc.
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