You can most always count on an initial offer being too low, and yours sounds like it is. But many other factors play in:
Do they have other good choices or does your site offer advantages for that area? There are numerous additional factors or clauses in a typical offer, most all of which can and should be negotiated. Things like annual increase percentage, co-location fees (for when other cell companies come in and locate their antennas on the tower)m and more.
I guess that's why "Tower Genius" is popular! They can no doubt help you wade through it all. :c)
My tower was leased in 96 for $600 a month, now bringing in $2000 a month with a 5% annual increase. A few years back they gave me a $25K signing bonus for agreeing to give them 30 years additional lease options in 5 year increments. (They make a LOT of money on many of these towers.)
Dec 01, 2019 Rating
No Barb. by: Stephen
The rent is too low but I'm sure there are a bunch of other terms that are also sub-standard.
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