I have been approached by at&t to extend their current cell tower lease on my property on I-35, Oklahoma City, OK. What is the current range of lease tower rates in Oklahoma City, OK?
Comments for Oklahoma City, OK cell tower lease rates
It's all about leverage but you probably won't get more there. If it makes you feel any better we've received a few calls from property owners in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area this summer who who contacted by 2 different site acquisition companies independent of each other and each land owner was offered about $300 to $350 to lease land for a cell tower with US Cellular. It's getting ugly out there.
Aug 21, 2011 Rating
get more from them by: Anonymous
i dont know what fair market value is, but i do know that att is upgrading their towers in oklahoma city right now. my neighbor at work works on cell towers and he is contracted by att to upgrade their towers.
att is merging with tmobile and will need the towers. my recomendation is get more money from them they NEED that tower.
Jul 13, 2011 Rating
AT&T lease rates in OK City by: Tower Genius
AT&T is rolling out 4G on many of their existing cell sites in major metropolitan areas to meet growing bandwidth demands. This would stop if parents stopped buying their kids smart phones but that probably will not happen in our lifetime.
Lease rates depend on the site location and exactly what they are trying to cover and how much leverage you have in the negotiation.
Depending on tower location, fair market value in the OK City Metro Area with AT&T can range anywhere from $1,000 to around $1,500 monthly.
They may kick and scream and throw out every excuse in the book about why they can't pay that amount, but anything less than $1,000 is below fair market value.
In addition, there are about a dozen items that need to be tightened up in the older AT&T leases from the stone ages of wireless, but don't count on AT&T to point them out to you.
We like to implement the Teddy Roosevelt method of dealing with AT&T in amending their cell tower leases... We walk softly and carry a big stick.
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