Hello, I am considering a property purchase with a tower and a 25 lease. The seller wants to keep the lease or have us buy it out. Any thoughts or suggestions? TIA Respectfully, Heather
Heather there are many things to look at and consider when purchasing land with an existing cell tower. Remember that you could be buying a great deal or a complete dog depending on the savvy of the current owner. Is it a tower company lease or carrier lease?
What is the Rent?
Tax Language?
Right of First Refusal?
Subleasing or Revenue Share?
How Large IS Leased Area?
Who Is Anchor Tenant?
Single or Multi-Carrier Tower?
What's The Zoning Like in the Town?
Are There Other Competing Towers Nearby?
When Does The Lease Expire?
What Are They Asking For The Lease?
What Other Uses For The Property Besides The Tower?
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