We are talking with a carrier that wants to put a tower on our church property. We want language in the contract regarding sub leasing and their agent says it is not necessary because if anyone else wanted to use the tower they would have to talk to us anyway about more space. Does this sound right?
If someone else wants to attach to tower they only need to speak to you if they want ground space. If they only need to install a cabinet, they won't need your permission.
Make sure you put in contract that any additional carriers that need ground space has to be negotiated with you. Of course you could try for any carrier wanting any space would need to come to you, but I doubt you will get that in writing.
Apr 04, 2015 Rating
It depends... by: Stephen
Depends on how much ground space is available, and more importantly what your lease says. The agent doesn't work for you so don't take what they say as gospel. Please call us to discuss.
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