My parents are recently deceased and owned acreage with a cell tower and lease. Their lease has another 10 years to go. They receive approx. 560.00 per month. I am probating their estate and would like to sell the lease and property and their offer is only $100,000.00. Would we be better off to keep the property and then renegotiate when lease is up? No one else wants to bid because they have right of first refusal.
Comments for lease and property from deceased parents
My grandmother is recently deceased and she left an estate to my mother. My mother can live on the property for as long as she wishes or until her death. There is a cell tower. We are currently experiencing legal difficulties due to this tower lease. Are the tower lease payments considered a residue of the estate? Or do they fall under the property part of the estate. A second party is entitled to the residue of the estate, my lawyer currently states that all tower payments are residue of the estate until the estate is settled. I am not understanding how this legally works. If the payments are because of a lease on the property how does that accrue to the estate. Shouldn't that accrue to the person\persons legally responsible for the property? Please help!
Editor's Note: Please have your attorney contact us.
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