My parents were taken advantage of in a cell tower lease, no escalator for 30 years, etc.
by Kaye
(Stephens City, VA)
Both parents have since passed and the tower lease was left to their heirs, my sister and I. What recourse do we have to approach Crown Castle for a new lease, with better terms. The tax office has SBA listed as the responsible party for taxes on the tower. I'm not even sure I have a correct copy of the lease agreement.
Comments for My parents were taken advantage of in a cell tower lease, no escalator for 30 years, etc.
Sounds like Crown lease was acquired by SBA. Contact them and provide proof of land ownership and ask them for a copy of the lease. Sadly the carriers and tower companies employ slick negotiation experts to get them the best deal. It's not illegal to negotiate a cell tower lease and "forget" to leave out the rent escalator, but it is horrible of them, and sadly it happens more than you want to know.
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