Atlas Tower co.

Atlas Tower contacted us in Fairbanks Alaska. Is Atlas a company you deal with --- you do not mention them in your intro.

Sounds like your initial review is free, and thereafter you charge a fee. How do you base that fee? Is it a percentage of the negotiated lease?

Thank you,
Nancy and Tom

Comments for Atlas Tower co.

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May 15, 2024
got f*cked
by: darrell

was asked about putting tower on my property. am retiring so i agreed cause face it retirement checks suck. did all paperwork ,notarized it then they gave contract to local higher ups. f*ck the little guy. did not even contact me to tell me they decided not to put a tower on my property. i thought the notarized paperwork was a binding contract. i give atlas tower a zero rating. that is no way to conduct business. they literally sh*t on me.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Darrell sorry to hear about your experience with that cell tower company. Go down to your local building department and ask them if ATLAS has any cell tower applications or permits pending within 1-mile of your property.)

Jul 18, 2019
We are Atlas Tower lease experts.
by: Tower Genius

Atlas Towers is a growing tower company. They are very active in the Western United States and other locations.

We have seen many of their leases and cell tower development proposals and have successfully helped many landowners with cell tower lease consulting and cell tower transactional coaching services so they obtained great results with Atlas Tower.

If you are a property owner and you have been contacted by Atlas about putting a cell phone tower on your land, call us. We can help you.

Tower Genius

Jul 15, 2016
Yes we have sen Atlas leases...
by: Stephen

They are kind of a small blip on the radar so we don't spend extra time writing about them.

Our initial consultation with you is free. I don't want to scare them off so I might give you some free coaching and then you can decide if you want to hire us.

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