When people with AT&T or other cellular companies visit us (excluding US Cellular or Verizon) they have no service. We have 20 acres and a PGE tower that might be useful. How do I go about seeing if AT&T or Sprint are interested in leasing fhe tower?
Thank you Stephen for your advice. I appreciate it. I will look into it further.
Sep 17, 2015 Rating
Contact Sprint, AT&T and PGE by: Stephen
We have run into a lot of Verizon PGE tower deals in California, not really with AT&T or Sprint. However this is not surprising because neither carrier has an active build program at this time. You can reach out to Sprint and AT&T directly on our site on the top left. There is a button that says "Get a cell tower". You can also call PGE directly and see if you can locate the right person to talk to.
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