I've been following your site for a couple of years as I found the cell tower lease related information that you provide EXTREMELY VALUABLE and helpful.
But I just wanted to make you aware of the fact that I am not the only person reading your site and utilizing its information on a regular basis, as I have noticed other cell tower "lease experts" are taking your information and even using your catch phrases and utilizing them on their own websites, as if they were original content.
If these folks lack the creativity and operate in such a low-brow fashion, I doubt that they would be very good at what they do for a living.
Exposing the cell tower lease so-called experts by: Steve from Tower Genius
Hugh Jass... From Tennessee ? LOL ! I almost cried.
Okay Mr. Hugh Jass...
Don't get me started!! There are lots of so-called cell tower lease "experts" out there providing consulting services for landlords. However if you peel back the onion and take a closer look, most of the "lease experts" have a lot less experience than they claim. Most of them are one-trick ponies and have extremely limited industry knowledge.
Over the years it's been interesting to watch competitors copy us. It was interesting, when we coined the phrase "Leveling the Playing Field for Cell Tower Landlords" several, like 3 or 4 cell tower lease advisory firms started using that phrase.
Meanwhile, the term "cell tower lease rates EXPOSED" was the tagline on our page for the #1 result on Google which appeared for about four years as the top result for the search term "cell tower lease rates" and it was ripped off by a competitor from Tennessee. To be very clear, we came up with that.
Funny thing... Another less than genius advisor whom I would not even consider to be a competitor anymore, let's call him "Dick" from the San Diego, area liked our old company's name so much that he trademarked a very similar sounding name that even confused Crown Castle and many others.
And they say that imitation is the best for of flattery, but I wish that some of the cell tower "lease experts" in our industry could Foster professionalism by coming up with an original thought instead of regularly knocking off our content.
Glad you took the time to leave a comment, it really made our day!! The Airwaves thank you.
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Cell Tower Lease Buyouts - The Disturbing Truth About Cell Site Lease Buyouts is Exposed Here. Ask Tower Genius a Question On Our Cell Site Buyout Blog.