Early Termination of Lease

The wireless carrier recently renewed lease but now wants to terminate the lease since it merged with another carrier and believes that the site is redundant. The only language in the lease that could arguably allow the tenant to terminate early allows termination where the premises "is no longer technically compatible for its use." We are not aware of any "technical" reason why the site cannot be used by the carrier. Does the tenant have the right to terminate?

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May 24, 2014
Cell tower termination
by: Tower Genius

Just because they renewed the lease doesn't mean that the right hand knows what the left hand is doing. Through acquisition they could have a tower right across the street. One of the costs that cell tower landlords have to count is the one-sidedness of the termination language in the lease.

May 22, 2014
Right to terminate
by: Anonymous

If your lease has the termination clause that they can terminate (99% do and give you a few months of rent maybe) and you have agreed to it, then the reason is not an issue.

These leases are in a sense unilateral.

This is why on one of mine that I was "forced" to lower rent ten years ago, I renegotiated for no cancellation clauses.

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