Getting close to signing lease agreement. We are satisfied with monthly amount. Just wondering about free cell service for family. One would think it would be automatic. Example if you have natural gas on property, you get free gas! Not sure how to go about finding out from Verizon??? it's not like we are dealing with them directly. Also don't want to screw up deal we already have in place !! But that would be Awesome too !!! Please advise !
Thanks 4 the info !!!! Saved me time & energy ! very helpful !!!!
Nov 06, 2014 Rating
Free cell service by: Anonymous
Thank u !!! Very helpful!!! Time saver 2 !!!
Nov 06, 2014 Rating
Who is telling you that free cell service is a good idea? by: Tower Genius
Carriers do no longer provide "free" cell service. The sad part is that most property owners that took these sorts of deals in the late 1990's got shafted on the more significant lease terms. Wouldn't you rather have a properly structured lease agreement than free service? The dirty little secret among the carriers is that it costs them less than $10 per month to break even on a smartphone plan (voice/data/texting). If they would hypothetically throw in a family plan and you are thinking it's a great deal, but wouldn't it be better to make sure your lease values are maximized?
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