I was wondering what new technologies or trends will need cell tower space. I am looking to expand my tower and was wondering how I should go about soliciting needs for my space. Is there a published list or area that can help me in my marketing communications?
Wireless Tech Trends and Cell Tower Marketing by: Tower Genius
Doug, thanks for posting. This could be the topic for an entire new website. In a nutshell, a lot of carriers are trending towards 4G (WiMax) for data and DAS (distributed Antenna Systems) or LTE (Long Term Evolution otherwise known as 3GPP 4G technology). The Wireless Telecom Industry loves to use fancy acronyms but here's what you need to know. The DAS & LTE systems that the big carriers are talking about are the equivalent to applying tiny band-aids to large gushing wounds that need a tourniquet. Additionally these wireless applications are only affective in heavily populated urban areas where it is hard for carriers to deploy traditional rooftop cellular sites or build new cell towers, or in places like stadiums, shopping centers or large university campuses where there are lots of wireless devices being used in a relatively small area. These LTE systems are very cost prohibitive and the carriers can't afford to deploy them just anywhere. But even in areas like College Campuses where some carriers are deploying LTE systems, they really depend on the traditional cell sites to make the network function properly. To really improve voice and data capacity and meet exponentially increasing bandwidth demands the carriers MUST add more cell sites in most areas.
Some of the so-called industry experts in the wireless leasing arena are claiming that since wireless penetration in the United States is at around 85%, there is only about another 15% left that the carriers are competing for. What you need to understand is that Wireless Penetration is likely to EXCEED 150% in the next 5-10 years can can easily go above 200%. Everything is going to be wireless. Your land line phones will eventually all be wireless, TV, Tablets, Toaster Ovens (OK.. we made that up but you get the idea).
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