I would like to lease some of my property for a tower location
My name is Steven Moss, I own a little over 26 acres in Sharon, South Carolina, off of Hwy 49.
At the current time, the cell phone service in this area is really bad. The folks that live in this area have contacted our 911 emergency services to see if they could help get a better cell service in this area. Folks have even went as far as to have the local paper wright a story about it.
I feel I have the ideal location for a tower to be erected on my property. The property is located on a hill, with about 8 acres of pasture land.
I would like to see if your company would be interested in looking at my property for a tower.
The property is located at 4572 Lockhart Road, Sharon, SC 29742. Tax map number is 140-00-00-065 (York County SC)
Thanks for your time
Steven Moss
York County Engineering
Post Office Box 148
York, SC 29745
(803) 818-5734 direct
(803) 371-0495 Cell