Inherited property with cell tower site. Cell tower is in a perpetual easement agreement and is fenced in and insured. I have been unable to get liability insurance on the remaining land due to the cell tower. Has anyone else had this problem?
I would need to see the original lease and the easement purchase agreement to see what is going on. I do not understand why you insurance carrier will not write a policy for your property due to a cell tower. Usually these cell tower agreements provide insurance and mutual indemnification provisions.... so there is no reason for the insurance company to turn you down for a policy on the remaining area.
Tower Genius 888-313-9750
Jan 03, 2014 Rating
insurance by: Anonymous
From what you have posted:
I have a carrier who carries their own insurance for their section of land. It has not impacted my improved land.
If the carrier is truly preventing you from securing insurance for your unimproved raw land, (letter from insurance co.) then I would ask the carrier to provide insurance to protect you and your land as well.
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