I was told that cell phone towers are going to be replaced by a very small product, the size of a rubics cube, that only needs electricity to power it. I have been informed that it's just a matter of time before all cell towers become obsolete? Anyone know anything about this?
Cell Tower Will NOT Become Obsolete by: Tower Genius
Thanks for your question. The big story last week that hit the worldwide media on the product developed by Alcatel/Lucent, has prompted many cell tower landlords to call us worried about their cell tower lease income possibly vanishing if cell towers become obsolete.
We were the only industry source to the best of my knowledge who refuted the wireless propaganda in the media which we originally posted here on our "Ask The Expert" blog a few days ago on Feb. 12th. Then on February 14th, an article was published by a wireless industry analyst that refuted the claims by Bell Labs almost verbatim to what we said.
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