Cell Tower Lease rates and zoning West Warwick RI by: Tower Genius
Fred, to answer your 2 questions about cell tower lease rates in West Warwick RI and regarding whether the tower needs to be on commercial property or not:
We really need more information.
Were you approached by a tower developer like SBA, GTP, Mobilite, Atlas, American Tower or Crown Castle, or were you approached by a carrier like Sprint, T-Mobile, MetroPCS, AT&T Wireless or Verizon Wireless?
You said this was for a tower, but could it be for a rooftop cell site?
1. Lease rates will vary depending on what they are trying to cover (ie. shopping center, busy intersection, interstate, etc) and who is trying to put up the tower, and how many alternate sites are available in the area.
2. Commercial property is almost always preferable to residential in most zoning codes, however if the tallest building in the area is a residential apartment building that is at least 40' tall then they may be required by your municipal wireless ordinance to prove that they are unable to lease a site and locate antennas on that structure or other viable sites before they can go ahead with a new cell tower.
Are you just fishing fr information or have you been contacted about putting up a new cell tower?
Call us at 888-313-9750 if you have been contacted about a cell tower or about deploying a rooftop cell site and need assistance with the proposed lease or lease option agreement.
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