Roof replacement - costs of moving Verizon's equipment
by Property Owner
(SF Bay Area)
Hello, We are a property owner in the SF Bay Area and have a long term lease with Verizon for cell tower(s) on our roof. Our contract requires us to pay for moving Verizon's equipment should we require maintenance or repairs to our roof and lost income to Verizon due to interruption in service. We just learned it will cost approximately $200,000 to move the equipment.
We get about $26k/per year in rent. We cannot cancel the contract but Verizon has the right to renew up to 55 years(!).
Our roofs were about 18 years old when we were negotiating the contract and re-roofing was a certainty during the term of the contract.
Is there any way we can get them to pay for all or a part of the costs of moving their equipment or are we stuck?
Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated. Thank you.
Comments for Roof replacement - costs of moving Verizon's equipment
$200,000 seems extremely excessive. To give you the proper guidance I would need to review the current site design, any proposed temporary location and the full lease agreement. Without reviewing these factors, we would be unable to accurately predict the costs or help formulate a strategy for you. Give us a call at 888-313-9750… we would be happy to assist you.
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