We have been approached by Unison to enter an easement agreement for our rooftop. In exchange, we would receive essentially a cash buy-out of our existing lease as well a revenue sharing for future leases.
Comments for Rooftop Management Company Easement Agreement
City ordinances are becoming harder to pass for cell tower siting. The zoning ordinances and regulations are very strict to protect the visual beauty of the city, and cities and their residents often fight against cell towers being places on top of buildings and causing "visual pollution".
If you run into any problems with tower siting or city ordinances, we can create a RF friendly cell phone tower concealment system that will blend in with your current architecture and building making the towers virtually invisible to the public.
Please see the "Concealed Sites" link tab on the left hand side at the bottom, or visit www.peabodyconcealment.com for more information on what we can do to help you.
Mar 18, 2011 Rating
Call us first... Sharks smell blood in the water by: Tower Genius
Thanks for the post. Let's discuss, please call me at 888-313-9750 before the sharks start to circle.
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Cell Tower Lease Buyouts - The Disturbing Truth About Cell Site Lease Buyouts is Exposed Here. Ask Tower Genius a Question On Our Cell Site Buyout Blog.