Sounds like you may have acquired a property where the previous owner sold the lease for cash.
Let's get thru 2014 first...
Did you see anyone using cell phones in The Hunger Games?
Dec 15, 2013 Rating
Selling SBA Cell Tower Lease With land by: grapes of wrath
Sell the lease separately. Or get with a surveyor and or title company or attorney, and create an easement giving you rights to the lease premises together with vehicular and utility access. Value of lease is a function of tower type, ground space and perhaps number of carriers that lease from SBA. You stated that the lease starts in 2022; did you mean it terminates in 2022. That's barely 9 years. That cell site may be essential to the network(s) of the carrier(s) located on the tower. Towers are usually "location dependent" on adjacent "handoff" towers. SBA will beg you for extensions of the lease periods. You now have a valuable commodity. First blush, don't sell. Second blush, sell the lease for cash separately and in advance of marketing the property. Increasing the "listing" price of the property because you think the lease has value is not quite that. How can a real estate appraiser assign value to a lease that most likely can be terminated in a predetermined "short" time period that typically is a 30 day notice.......
Dec 14, 2013 Rating
no info on lease $ value by: Anonymous
There is no way to answer your question with the way it has been stated.
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