T-Mobile sent me a lease to review for placing a cell site on my roof and in the agreement T-Mobile provides for sub-leasing rights for them. When I questioned their representative he stated that they needed this language in the event that they have a third party company providing telephone backhaul service and they need to place equipment at the site. Is this true?
T-Mobile wants to upgrade their antennas on our rooftop and contacted us about it. Their technicians regularly work on our property but they do not need our permission to make upgrades from what we understand. Should we approve their plans or can you guys help us?
Mar 06, 2011 Rating
Don't take their word for it.... by: kevin - Tower Genius
No... never agree to subleasing on your roof. T-mobile may just want to bring in a company to provide telco backhaul services but these firms want to sell their service not just to T-Mobile but to everyone in your building and are using T-Mobile as a way to piggy-back on properties. If they want to sell to anyone else they should pay you a fee.
This is just one of the "little issues" in the T-Mobile cell tower lease. Please call us so we can give you the proper language for this provision and review to rest of the lease to protect you.
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