T-Mobile Notice of Modification of Wireless Facilities

by Jim

We have T-Mobile antennas on our building and have a lease with T-Mobile. They sent us a letter telling us of improvements they are going to be making to the site, specifically they are going to be replacing old antennas with modern ones. Why are they sending us this notice of modification of wireless facilities? Don't they have the right to do whatever they want on their cell site or should they be increasing our rent? Are these modifications worth anything? Just wondering out loud.

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Jun 01, 2012
Give us a call.....
by: Sean (Tower Genius)

It depends how your lease outlines T-Mobile's rights. Normally they just make changes so I would suspect this modification letter is more than just a notice. The addition of T-Mobile LTE (Larger antennas and assorted heavy equipment along the cable path) could be worth a substantial addition of rental cash flow if you play this correctly. But don't expect them to tell you that.

Give us a call to take a look at your cell site lease agreement and can determine your rights. The minimum value increase would be worth six figures over a twenty year period and you could clean up the lease terms to better protect you.

Tower Genius

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