We ( brother and me) have been approached about putting a Verizon cell tower on the back of a tract of land we currently have on market that would sell as a housing development. We would receive approx $1000 per month and every 5 years it would go up. We woukd sign a lease for as short or long as we like. Since we have no knowledge of this, could you enlighten us as to whether it would be a good idea. I have MS and am on disability. Every pennie helps. But, I do not want to jeopardize the sale of our property. Could you tell me the pros and cons. Your advice would be most welcome. Thank you, L. Gilmore
Beware of Cell Towers on Residential Lands... by: Anonymous
If the land is to be sold to be developed as a residential subdivision, the presence of a Cell Tower nearby may present serious issues with house buyers in the future. Please ask them questions about the tower design... or sell them the right to build the tower only after you sell the land...
Jul 06, 2015 Rating
Cell Tower by: Anonymous
My husband and I signed a release for a tower company to put a tower on our property and Verizon would not allow us to do it. I was told there was a freeze from Verizon and we want to know if that has been lifted? A friend said a list starting in July would be open. Do you know how we can check on that? I called Verizon telephone company to ask who to contact and no luck with returning calls or who to ask. Our expiration date expires in Septembet this yr.It has been open for 3 yrs. Please help.Our tower agent said to call and maybe complain to Verizon because our neighbors are wondering when as well.
Editor's Note: Call VZW at 866-862-4404.
Jul 01, 2015 Rating
Call us by: Stephen
Tell the Verizon representative that you are interested. Then call us, I will provide you with a detailed free consultation.
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