I was contacted by Verizon Wireless who wants to do a modification to their cell site and upgrade their existing antenna site at my building in Newark, NJ. They want to add additional 4G antennas for the LTE phones and are moving some of the antennas to new locations on the roof.... My question is, can I charge them more money for these additional antennas?
Probably, but we need to see the lease. by: Tower Genius
If you've given Verizon Wireless "carte blanche" to upgrade and expand the cell site then you may not be able to do anything. We really need to take a quick look at your lease agreement first. The LTE expansions certainly have value and are worth a bump up in your rent. It's also an opportunity to adjust any other terms in the lease that may need to be corrected.
Call us, especially since you are in NJ. Tower Genius 888-313-9750
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