We know Verizon is looking for a property in our area...
by Madison Ohlson
(Kerrville, Texas, USA)
We know Verizon is looking for a property in our area, we have quite a bit of land. How do we get in contact with them, or is it by them approaching us only?
Comments for We know Verizon is looking for a property in our area...
Call them 866-862-4404, or try a guerilla marketing approach. by: Tower Genius
Try the Verizon Landlord toll free number listed above. You might also try to put a few high visibility and annoying Bandit Signs on your property alerting Verizon, something like HEY VERIZON - I WANT A CELL TOWER ON MY PROPERTY. 555-555-5555. If they are driving the area they might just call you.
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