Yes it could effect cell tower companies.... by: Sean - Airwaves
Yes it could hurt the long term revenues because the consolidation of cell sites will allow carriers to remove the T-Mobile equipment from tower sites and cancel their leases.
The industry is dependent on the major tower companies to build out their infrastructure at the rate needed to create a viable network. These tower firms absorb some of the hard costs associated with site development for the wireless carriers and it allows the carriers to put their money into their network and not into vertical real estate. The loss of 25% revenues that will be realized across the country will lower revenues and will reduce the firms ability to build out sites at the rate they are currently capable of.
Please contact the FCC Commissioners via E-mail to voice your concerns:
Chairman Julius Genachowski: Commissioner Michael J. Copps: Commissioner Robert McDowell: Commissioner Mignon Clyburn: Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker:
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